Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Set Free

(Eingestellt am 30. Oktober 2023, 17:51 Uhr von ThePedallingPianist)

Credit to Jaze for coming up with the Zipper constraint. Thanks also to ViKingPrime for testing this puzzle.

The title is a triple meaning. The first and most tenuous refers to the fact that zips are often a physical constraint of some kind, and unzipping them may allow a person or thing to be set free. The second reassures the solver that this solution path is free of any set theory (apologies for the spoiler, but I doubt this comes as a surprise)!

The third and most relevant is simply an instruction to myself. A few nights ago, I made the ambitious decision to try setting a puzzle from scratch using the Zipper constraint, with which I was very unfamiliar, whilst live on my Twitch channel. I solved a couple of excellent model puzzles by gdc, then opened up a blank grid, after which approximately three hours of frustration and hilariously painful Twitch content ensued. In my defence, I made some interesting logical discoveries, and I think I was quite unlucky that they all ended up breaking, though on reflection there are a number of things I would do differently next time should I attempt a similar challenge.

On my 40-minute cycle to work the following morning, my mind began to hyperfocus on the Zipper line patterns I had tried on stream. Before long I was visualising half a grid's worth of lines and logic, while my sub-conscious did an excellent job of taking the handlebars. I noted these ideas down on my phone during my lunch break, and as if by magic I had the skeleton of a puzzle.

The lesson to learn here is that the creative process is a fickle thing that shies away from cameras but loves the freedom of a nice long cycle ride. I should endeavour to pursue such freedom when setting puzzles in the future, or in other words, my instruction to myself is to set, free.

Play on CTC
Play on f-puzzles

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Digits an equal distance from the center of a lavender 'Zipper Line' must sum to the digit in the middle of that line.

Lösungscode: Row 9 (bottom row), left to right

Zuletzt geändert am 30. Oktober 2023, 19:54 Uhr

Gelöst von ViKingPrime, OhHeyGuysItsMax, lilulyla, Soothsayer, pepe74287, Bjd, LehanLehan, Prince Joffrey, Onyx, Nell Gwyn, abadx, SKORP17, Puzzle Weasel, AvonD, fuxia, Ambrose, zrbakhtiar, dennischen, rpearl, ... DVFrank, flaemmchen, PatientMustard, h4kun4m4t4t4, tyfus, dingledork, Geb, rich_27, HelloKetene, farodin64, Laake, OuyangZheng, karlmortenlunna, PippoForte, renegade_duck, Icermann, areigner
Komplette Liste


am 31. Oktober 2023, 07:42 Uhr von gdc
Nice puzzle with lots of fresh ideas. Really liked the way you integrated one of your discoveries from the stream and managed to signal it so clearly.

Zuletzt geändert am 31. Oktober 2023, 11:45 Uhr

am 30. Oktober 2023, 21:27 Uhr von asp1310
Could you link to your Twitch channel? I'd love to see how you set this, even if it was painful!


Well it didn't get particularly far on Twitch but do feel free to check it out! I've put a hyperlink on the words "Twitch channel" on this page, otherwise here's the URL:


am 30. Oktober 2023, 21:02 Uhr von Prince Joffrey

am 30. Oktober 2023, 18:44 Uhr von ViKingPrime
Quite a satisfying puzzle to unwind! An excellent take on Zipper logic.

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:69 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal


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