Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

King's Order

(Eingestellt am 19. Oktober 2023, 18:44 Uhr von Stargazing Albatross)

Setting this puzzle, I started with a orderly pattern of given digits a King's move away from any other given digit. A few little adaptations later, this is the finished result: A fun little puzzle. Give it a try and I hope you enjoy it! ;-)


Normal sudoku rules apply.

Anti-King: Cells separated by a king's move (in chess) cannot contain the same digit.

The puzzle:

Solve in CtC / SudokuPad

Solve in f-puzzles

Lösungscode: row 6 (left to right)

Zuletzt geändert am 12. November 2023, 22:57 Uhr

Gelöst von PinkNickels, lmdemasi, StefanSch, efnenu, pepe74287, jalebc, WarriorKitten, kublai, gdc, seeppp, abadx, SKORP17, mjozska1985, ludvigr04, AN_not_IO, MontanaPearl, Crul, Notlob, Dermerlin, dittberner, ... Isfan, stonetim, MaNCS, ikaikaw, MayorasMask, forsen, chain.reader, TaeChi, de puzzelaar, jguer, Rickert04, Mr.CHEN, PippoForte, wxs, iyork, pethejasraj, Dez256, MysticMan, neinina98, jadezki
Komplette Liste


am 27. Oktober 2023, 05:41 Uhr von Tingo
This would be a great puzzle to give to people who want to get familiar with sudoku + the King's move constraint. Very beginner friendly while not being a complete fill in. Nicely set!

am 24. Oktober 2023, 23:55 Uhr von Rollo
@Stargazing Albatross: please remove the label 'NEU' from your puzzles, there is nothing new in it.

am 20. Oktober 2023, 13:13 Uhr von 28righthand
Found that a bit harder than I expected, even with all the givens it felt more like 2 stars. Nice

am 19. Oktober 2023, 19:07 Uhr von PinkNickels
Nice one!

Bewertung:78 %
Gelöst:147 mal
Beobachtet:6 mal

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