Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 17. Oktober 2023, 05:50 Uhr von zegres)

This puzzle is part of the Ren Sudoku Pack. It is free and available to everyone here.
This pack is a celebration of the independent musician Ren,
who's album Sick Boi dropped on Friday October 13th and can be bought here.
Please also try the wonderful (and currently hugely underrated) puzzle Beautiful Day by Sandra and Nala.
This puzzle is inspired by Ren's busking. Click here, or here, or here for great examples.


  • Normal Sudoku rules apply.
  • Digits on blue lines have the same sum in each 3x3 box that the line visits.
    The big X is a single line with 5 cells in box 5 and 2 cells in boxes 1,3,7,9.
  • Purple lines contain a set of consecutive non-repeating digits.
  • Digits along the gray palindrome read the same in both directions.
Have fun, leave a comment!

F-puzzles CTC

Lösungscode: Reihe 5 (9 Ziffern insgesamt)

Zuletzt geändert am 17. Oktober 2023, 17:23 Uhr

Gelöst von Megalobrainiac, rockratzero, Laharath, Calvinball, Chelo, Azumagao, SKORP17, MicroStudy, bansalsaab, dskaff, sanabas, madhupt, Dentones, meixia, RebelSystem, sedici, jhernandezc, AvonD, Jaekpuzzle, ... ghosting, flyjim, flipout, ScienceNerd2240, zhergan, valle1124, Nigrin, humaLautema, Madoka42, Krokant, Frutlop, NEWS, Qodec, PippoForte, cybers, HighEagle, THef of Time, PsychedelicCreature
Komplette Liste


am 14. April 2024, 09:13 Uhr von NEWS
Like it!

am 17. Oktober 2023, 16:30 Uhr von Chelo
Loved it!..

am 17. Oktober 2023, 15:09 Uhr von Calvinball
Absolutely loved this puzzle. You clearly put a lot of work and passion into this project and it translated to some delightful puzzles.

am 17. Oktober 2023, 10:03 Uhr von rockratzero
Very satisfying solve :)

Bewertung:95 %
Gelöst:47 mal
Beobachtet:11 mal


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