Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Prismarine [Akari RGB]

(Eingestellt am 16. Oktober 2023, 09:10 Uhr von wisty)

Standard Akari rules apply:
• Place lights in some unshaded cells so that every unshaded cell is illuminated.
• Lights illuminate the cell they’re in as well as all cells seen in a straight line horizontally or vertically up to either the first shaded cell or the edge of the grid.
• Lights may not illuminate each other.
• A number in a shaded cell counts the lights orthogonally adjacent to that cell.

Akari (RGB) rules apply:
• Each light has a color, R, G or B.
• A clue in an unshaded cell gives the color resulting from all lights illuminating that cell.
• M is R+B, C is G+B, and Y is R+G.
• Lights may exist on clued cells.

A visual ruleset and a catalogue of Akari RGB puzzles can be found here.


Solve links:
Kudamono Player
Penpa+ (Label Clues)
Penpa+ (Square Clues)

This is a very large grid, and a new genre that may have some very unfamiliar logic! If you are having trouble breaking in, this example puzzle may help:


Solve links:
Kudamono Player

Thank you dumediat and Plostoni for testing! I appreciate you so so much.

Lösungscode: the columns containing bulbs in row 9, followed by the columns containing bulbs in row 22

Zuletzt geändert am 26. Oktober 2023, 02:56 Uhr

Gelöst von dumediat, The Book Wyrm, ildiko, RJBlarmo, Neb, filuta, nervyplant, BenceJoful, jkuo7, Shuhua Milk, OGRussHood, szabog, Bellsita, fjam, chameleon, alexc
Komplette Liste


am 10. März 2024, 18:10 Uhr von chameleon
I resisted using uniqueness deductions so hard! I'm proud of myself that I managed!
Awesome puzzle :)

am 15. November 2023, 19:26 Uhr von szabog
Thank you for the puzzle. It is interesting how many times and ways you can use that there is a unique solution during solving.

am 10. November 2023, 18:27 Uhr von Shuhua Milk
Hard but enjoyable in the end.

am 29. Oktober 2023, 19:01 Uhr von filuta
Yeah, this really is my favorite kind of puzzle, so fresh and full of life, even if perhaps not completely flawless. I must say, I don't like too much if I can see by uniqueness how the puzzle will evolve before I actually solve it, and also it seems to me that in this ruleset there are often some sort of side deductions, that are not really needed for the actual path of the puzzle, but that may be just me seeing weird stuff before the normal one and then confusing myself. But all in all, for me this puzzle is like a movie with an incredibly beautiful main plot and perhaps some slightly annoying side characters, which I always pick over a flawless but lifeless ones. Really thanks a lot, wisty!

And btw, for future solvers, it really is not too long of a puzzle despite its size, since the main steps often resolve big chunk of the grid, also at least for the break in and perhaps even a bit later penpa/ctc app are really a superior option here, since they allow more flexible pencil marks, that make some things much easier to spot (even though I used the Kudamono Player for most of the solve in the end, since I had other issues with how the penpa is set up later).

am 20. Oktober 2023, 20:54 Uhr von RJBlarmo
Very nice puzzle! Resolving all the light colors is always extremely satisfying.

am 16. Oktober 2023, 12:11 Uhr von dumediat
This is a wonderful continuation of the akari RGB series! Difficult but never brutal, and the flow throughout the solve was wonderful. Thank you once again!

Bewertung:96 %
Gelöst:16 mal
Beobachtet:1 mal

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