Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Not the King's knighted camels

(Eingestellt am 4. Oktober 2023, 11:50 Uhr von Kirra)

I recently played tribution's Anticamel Sudoku puzzle (ID: 000BUL) involving a camels move restriction and loved how that flowed which inspired this puzzle. .

The rules:
Normal 6x6 Sudoku Rules apply. (Place each of the digits 1-6 once each in every row, column and box.)

Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive. Not all white dots are necessarily given.

2's may not be a knights move apart.
3's may not be a camel or knights move apart.
6's may not be a kings move apart.

Additional Clarification:
Camel moves: 3 steps forward, one step across. From R6,C1: R3,C2 and R5,C4 are a camels move away.
Knight moves: 2 steps forward, one step across. From R6,C1: R4,C2 and R5,C3 are knights move away.
King's move: 1 step forward and one step across. From R6,C1: R5,C2 is a kings move away.

Play on F-Puzzles here!

Play on the CTC webapp/Sven's SudokuPad here!

Lösungscode: Row 6 , Column 6

Zuletzt geändert am 5. Oktober 2023, 03:07 Uhr

Gelöst von RussKozerski, Artsy, pepe74287, NineK, Topalai, glista, michalil, LehanLehan, EmX68, Pingu, jcelia, PinkNickels, mihil99, olliwright, Nickd88, XhcnoirX, zrbakhtiar, Fizz, lariop13, ludvigr04, micjo, ... Joo M.Y, RickiFerrara, Rollie, permafrostyx, arangues, richliaofs, Supertaster, koiking, Zedarflight , whtshername, Mathi, toboed, bereolosp, Jastucreudo, Jrgamer4u, yasmim.nat, r0the, Malsted
Komplette Liste


am 5. Oktober 2023, 16:02 Uhr von TLSN
I ended up with two correct solutions. Idk how.

am 5. Oktober 2023, 16:02 Uhr von TLSN
I ended up with two correct solutions. Idk how.

am 5. Oktober 2023, 13:52 Uhr von TLSN
I ended up with two correct solutions. Idk how.

am 5. Oktober 2023, 03:07 Uhr von Kirra
Added F Puzzles and CTC Links with white kropki rule

am 5. Oktober 2023, 01:22 Uhr von Kirra
Added kropki dot rules, thanks jreg.

am 4. Oktober 2023, 19:07 Uhr von Nheyah
Very simple but very nicely how it all fit in. Good puzzle!

am 4. Oktober 2023, 17:16 Uhr von julien505
Very fun but a little too simple, would love a 9x9 more complex puzzle with a similar ruleset!

am 4. Oktober 2023, 12:01 Uhr von RussKozerski
Woo hoo. The first solver. Thanks for a fun little puzzle.

Bewertung:77 %
Gelöst:212 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool Klein Schach

Lösung abgeben

