Dies ist ein Thermometer Windoku Puzzle. Hier sind die Regeln:
Dieses Puzzle kann auch online via F-Puzzles gespielt werden. Viel Spaß beim Lösen!
Lösungscode: Reihe 4
am 4. Oktober 2023, 19:42 Uhr von Asmodai
To the solvers: Thank you very much for trying my first Sudoku and congratulations for making it! I would be delighted to know, how you managed to solve this puzzle as - to my knowledge - it doesn't have a logical solving path by known methods.
For all the other solvers, here is a hint:
In Windoku puzzles, there is a unique set equality involving the four corners and the four middlest edge cells of the grid being equal to the cells in the ring of box 5. This can be shown using the Phistomefel ring twice (once normally on the most outer ring, once within the windoku boxes) and then using transitivity of set equality and further deletion.
Happy solving!
am 3. Oktober 2023, 14:57 Uhr von Asmodai
tried to fix again
am 3. Oktober 2023, 14:54 Uhr von Asmodai
tried to fix the image