Circles and ... Smaller Circles
(Eingestellt am 27. September 2023, 15:37 Uhr von stimim)
Circles and ... Smaller Circles
- Normal sudoku rules apply.
- Digits along an arrow must sum to the given number in the circle.
- Digits separated by small circles (dots) must difference by the number in the small circle. The numbers in small circles must be determined by the solvers.
- Digits in any circles (including dots) indicate number of times the digit show up in all circles (including dots)
Lösungscode: row 4 followed by row 6 (18 digits)
Gelöst von tuturitu, Azumagao, MonsieurTRISTE, bansalsaab, AvonD, Bjd, Dentones, Jesper, functor, dtoto, Sewerin
Zuletzt geändert am 28. September 2023, 04:13 Uhram 27. September 2023, 19:20 Uhr von bansalsaab
Very nice puzzle. Tracking the digits became harder as you csnt put a digit in small circle but it was doable in this puzzle because it wasnt that hard.
[stimim] thank you! It is surprisingly doable for both setting and solving.