Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Colored Circles

(Eingestellt am 20. September 2023, 22:42 Uhr von Prof.Dori)

Colored Circles

This puzzle does include both versions with colors and without colors, which second option is to make more accessible for colorblind people.


Normal sudoku rules apply. The digit in a colored circle indicates exactly how many times that digit appears in a circle of that color. Eg: a 5 in a green circle indicates that there are exactly five 5s in green circles. However, 8 of the circles are naughty; these don’t obey the circle rule. Eg: a 5 in a naughty green circle indicates that there are NOT exactly five 5s in green circles. On every row, column and box contain exactly one naughty circle.

CTC-normal version

CTC-colorblind version

Lösungscode: Row 3 followed by row 7.

Zuletzt geändert am 28. September 2023, 15:41 Uhr

Gelöst von lmdemasi, Scojo, marty_sears, Deej1491, Paletron, Fool on Hill, OhHeyGuysItsMax, Mennoo_, Chad, yttrio, Nell Gwyn, AvonD, SKORP17, mew_rocks, samuel1997, ademjaz, tuturitu, YoussefD1919, SSG, djarl, ... Leilalu222, LeiZ123321, geronimo92, SterlingWest, yuanbangod, humaLautema, jsalomon, Spyrfyr, ryanprobably, Uhu, michaal94, AdiBoneHead, damasosos92, PippoForte, Pinevie, imhesham, tess, pillowss
Komplette Liste


am 21. Dezember 2023, 20:58 Uhr von damasosos92
Very good interactions! Thank you for pointing me out of this puzzle!

am 14. Oktober 2023, 16:29 Uhr von yuanbangod

am 25. September 2023, 20:56 Uhr von yttrio
A great use of the circle counting rule set!

am 22. September 2023, 21:44 Uhr von Fool on Hill
What a lovely idea, nicely executed and solved beautifully once I realised what was going on.

am 21. September 2023, 17:53 Uhr von marty_sears
Dorlir, this was a pleasure to test for you. Possibly the most inventive use of the circle counting rule I have seen yet.

This is a real work of art; aesthetically clean and beautiful, but also a wealth of logical gems lie buried beneath the surface. Working out several 'rules', things that must be true, are really fun... particularly regarding restrictions on naughtiness. The solve path has a surprising amount of variety too.

It took me a while but it all flowed smoothly, apart from one sneaky step, which had me stuck for a while.

Finishing this off was immensely satisfying... well done, an astonishing bit of work.

Bewertung:92 %
Gelöst:65 mal
Beobachtet:7 mal

Rätselvariante Neu

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