Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Rhizome (Fillomino/Landvermessung/Irrwisch)

(Eingestellt am 13. September 2023, 13:06 Uhr von dumediat)

This is a puzzle that I created for Myxo's birthday, which they encouraged me to share with all of you. Ratings, comments, and feedback are much appreciated! Please feel free to reach out to me on Discord if you have any comments or questions. Please also feel free to try my other puzzles here.

This puzzle uses a variant called Landvermessung (Land Survey or Land Measurement) which is not very common. If you have not solved this type of puzzle before and would like to familiarize yourself with the rules, here is a playable example without the other variants that are in the main puzzle (standard rules are in the link): https://tinyurl.com/28adrvpg

Main puzzle rules:

  1. Irrwisch: All clues are encrypted. The letters M, Y, X, and O are each an irrwisch, which represent a different digit 1-9 every time they appear.
  2. Fillomino: Divide the grid into regions of orthogonally connected cells such that no two regions of the same size share an edge. Enter a number into each cell equal to the size of its region. Regions are entirely shaded or unshaded. One shaded cell and one unshaded cell are given, as are some cell values (as letters). Regions may include any number of these letters (including none) if allowed by other rules.
  3. Landvermessung: Shade some cells such that:
    • No closed loops exist among the shaded cells and no 2x2 area is shaded.
    • The value of each circled clue is equal to the number of cells in the shortest path of shaded cells that visits all of those directly touched by the clue, AND is equal to the sum of the unshaded cells in the surrounding 2x2 area.
    • A '/' in a circle means that no such path is possible (this is traditionally represented by an infinity symbol, but the software did not allow for placement of these inside circles).

Penpa+: https://tinyurl.com/27lno753

Lösungscode: Column 3

Gelöst von Bellsita, wisty, Myxo, RJBlarmo, tuturitu, Jesper, sth, jkuo7, polar, ascension, wildbush7, johnyzzh, Silverstep, Gliperal, filuta, MaizeGator
Komplette Liste


am 21. Februar 2025, 13:04 Uhr von MaizeGator
Loved this one. Having done a deep-dive into landvermessung over the past few days, I was able to apply the secrets that I had learned, but the ideas here felt fresh and innovative, especially when coupled with the fillomino and irrwisch rulesets.

am 20. September 2023, 00:01 Uhr von ascension
Great puzzle!

am 14. September 2023, 07:15 Uhr von RJBlarmo
That was a fantastic puzzle! This ruleset combination has some very cool implications that took me a while to internalize.

am 13. September 2023, 15:40 Uhr von Myxo
Stunning puzzle, the rules went so well together! The puzzle starts gently and becomes harder towards the end. I really appreciated this gift :)

Bewertung:96 %
Gelöst:16 mal
Beobachtet:7 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool Färberätsel Zerlegungsrätsel

Lösung abgeben

