Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

While the Kings Away, the Knights Will Play

(Eingestellt am 12. September 2023, 11:43 Uhr von Treity)

Rushing towards the rising sun, nary a king in sight. Knights decide to have some fun, spread their wings take flight. Rules:
  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Anti-king restriction. I cell may not have the same digit as any of the surrounding cells.
  • Anti-knight restriction. A cell may not have the same digit as another cell a knights move away
  • Black dots are Kropki dots. One cell is twice the value of the other.
  • Disjoint subset restriction. Cells that appear in the same position relative to their default regions may not contain the same digit
  • One full Row or Column in the puzzle is secretly a Thermometer raising in order 1 - 9 from one edge of the puzzle straight towards the other. This may be up, down, left, or right.
  • Every cell except the two shaded cells are Aerial Knights. Every arial knight has at least 1 partner who flies a set distance away (1 large knights move - 3 cells in one direction then one cell 90 degree from that). Aerial Knight partners have the same number. For example, if R1 C1 is a 5, then there must be a five in at least one of the follong positions: R2 C4 or C2 R4. Aerial knights may have more than one partner.
  • Seven different rules? Surely, these rules arent ALL necessary, right? But its not a Knights Order without a lot of rules!

F-puzzles link: Click Here

Lösungscode: Column nine from top to bottom

Gelöst von Felis_Timon, Xalothros, jalebc, OutOfMyMindBRB, ThibautV, SKORP17, butch02, McMingus, LordBidoof, kublai, AvonD, asver, lianarox, faisalaak, DiMono, zrbakhtiar, KatiBru, Crul, MB_Cyclist, Julianl, TaeChi, Montikulum, saskia-daniela, PippoForte, annnz, pms_headache, Isfan
Komplette Liste


am 23. April 2024, 16:46 Uhr von pms_headache
In my solution (with the correct code) the digit in R7C7 did not have an aerial knight pair. Either there needs to be another red square, or a longer solution code.

am 6. Oktober 2023, 21:16 Uhr von DiMono
What you're calling "Aerial Knight" actually already has a name: Camel.

am 28. September 2023, 08:31 Uhr von Eira.94
Can you provide it in CTC link? It is difficult to use F-puzzle

Bewertung:78 %
Gelöst:27 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal

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