Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Shady shades

(Eingestellt am 2. September 2023, 20:48 Uhr von Testarossa)


  • Place digits 1 to 9 so they do not repeat in rows or columns.
  • The grid is fully covered with fog. Place correct digits to reveal a fog of war.
  • Digits on an arrow must sum to the digit in a circle. Arrows do not cross each other, branch, or intersect.
  • Shade some cells so that:
  • Digits in the first row show the number of shaded cells in their column.
  • Digits in the first column show the number of shaded cells in their row.
  • Shaded cells must sum 75 less than unshaded cells.

Solve in:

Lösungscode: Row 8 then row 9 (18 digits)

Zuletzt geändert am 3. September 2023, 11:19 Uhr

Gelöst von jalebc, SKORP17, lmdemasi, shye, SirWoezel, tonald, jkuo7, gigglingCaduceus, Paletron, samuel1997, filuta, Tilberg, Twan2797, matiasv5, Snookerfan, Matti64, Niku, Evicts, kkli, kublai, TaeChi, WvdWest, lutzreimer, Sewerin, OhHeyGuysItsMax, Torvelo, PippoForte, saskia-daniela, SmartSlon, Sapio, Raistlen, Procrat
Komplette Liste


am 12. Juli 2024, 22:19 Uhr von Procrat
I've only solved a hundred puzzles or so on here, but this is the first time I'm commenting because I enjoyed this one so much. What a thrill and a challenge to have to discover a new aspect of the logics of this puzzle with each digit of the break-in!

Thank you very much for setting!

am 4. September 2023, 13:35 Uhr von Snookerfan
Great puzzle with weird metalogic! Thank you

Zuletzt geändert am 3. September 2023, 15:47 Uhr

am 3. September 2023, 15:47 Uhr von Tilberg
Agree with Tonald - once you figure out how the rules work, it's quite easy and enjoyable.

am 3. September 2023, 13:56 Uhr von samuel1997
Very incredible and original idea! Love it very much!

am 3. September 2023, 11:19 Uhr von Testarossa
ty @erml, fixed this typo

am 3. September 2023, 11:15 Uhr von Testarossa
@filuta updated rules to mention that arrows do not cross each other, branch, or intersect

am 3. September 2023, 10:26 Uhr von filuta
Just to be sure, arrows are free to intersect in this puzzle, right?

am 3. September 2023, 09:32 Uhr von erml
With the rows, you talk about shaded cells, with the columns you call them filled cells. They should be the same, right?

am 3. September 2023, 02:35 Uhr von tonald
easy, if entirely understand the rules.

am 3. September 2023, 00:08 Uhr von Testarossa
Thanks, Shye! clarified rules a little

am 2. September 2023, 23:47 Uhr von shye
please re-write the rules, it says the place digits and doesnt mention shading cells is also the solvers task. thanks to the fog it could be misinterpreted to mean the shaded cells will be revealed. also, for those who havent solved fog puzzles before, this just looks like an entirely shaded grid which doesnt help. would also suggest making the answer check involve the shading (ex: the shaded cells in row 8 then row 9, no spaces)

am 2. September 2023, 22:47 Uhr von lmdemasi

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