(Eingestellt am 29. August 2023, 23:46 Uhr von jwsinclair)
Normal sudoku rules apply.
Cages show the sum of their digits.
Purple lines contain a non-repeating set of consecutive digits in any order.
Digits in cells with a gray circle must be odd.
Digits in cells with a gray square must be even.
Digits in cells separated by a black dot have a 1:2 ratio.
All possible black dots are given.
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If you or someone you know might enjoy a weekly set of puzzles that are pretty approachable by LMD standards (much more so than this one), check out
Artisanal Sudoku. Thanks!
Lösungscode: row 2
Gelöst von Innocuous, tuturitu, GrizzledStoat, by81996672, AvonD, tangobunni, jalebc, lwhjp, Bjd, Megalobrainiac, Chelo, JustDoggy, Dentones, zuzanina, mcc, Franjo, Snaques, atomium, Vodakhan , NeroChaos, ... RebelSystem, 1729thTaxi, PippoForte, dendrobium, BlackWolf, Mgbator, avayert, Krisonium, benzonitrile, HighEagle, mcs131313, NeilGirdhar, doodManBro, Uhu, HumanBirdsong, megabat, pedro.melo
am 6. September 2023, 19:53 Uhr von juddimal
Loved the negative constraint. Great puzzle.
am 3. September 2023, 13:07 Uhr von marty_sears
I found this surprisingly tricky and kept making mistakes, but it was addictive and fun! Love the opening break-in, and the reason for the cage is beautiful, once you realise its purpose. The negative constraint is used in some really satisfying ways