Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 30. August 2023, 05:00 by Will Power)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Numbers in cages sum to the number in the top left corner of the cage. Numbers do not repeat in cages. Numbers with a white dot between them are consecutive. Numbers with an X between them sum to 10. Not all possible dots and X are given. Colors do not affect the puzzle.

F-Puzzles In Color

F-Puzzles Colorless

Solve on CTC Colorless

Solution code: Row 1 and column 3.

Last changed on -

Solved by Greg, nmmc123, Tingo, TroublesomeOrca, GenKavik, WatermeRen, pms_headache, Fisherman, EmX68, oshitada, jalebc, cathematician, beavr, davidjshort, jsalomon, flaemmchen, keenbowl, Chelo, sejer4, ... asii, wildstarjl, Terrapin, r0the, Dez256, neinina98, Matthew Humphrey, RickiFerrara, Jowser, Kachow, richliaofs, ArmagedDan, gollum999, Supertaster, puzzledcoop, Baconator, ashekke, hasti2c
Full list


Last changed on 1. September 2023, 05:04

on 31. August 2023, 22:40 by wenchang
Great! Will. Spoiler alert! https://youtu.be/FeV56-fLz1o

@wenchang Thank you for sharing your solve on YouTube. I am glad you liked this puzzle. Peace to you. -Will Power

on 31. August 2023, 14:27 by mrlemmelook
Loved it!

on 31. August 2023, 12:27 by BakBak
This puzzle was quite the pot of gold :)

on 30. August 2023, 14:23 by erik
fun puzzle, thanks

on 30. August 2023, 13:25 by OGRussHood
I found the rainbow connection.

on 30. August 2023, 11:36 by sujoyku
Thank you for this nice puzzle, Will Power! The solve was very smooth and good fun. Thank you for setting and sharing!

on 30. August 2023, 11:28 by MarthaB
Another fun puzzle from Will Power. Thank you!

on 30. August 2023, 10:36 by Robertb93
I liked it a lot! Thanks!

on 30. August 2023, 05:20 by Tingo
A lot of fun and (at least for me) some nifty logic to unwind the final cells. Thanks for setting and sharing!

Rating:89 %
Solved:346 times
Observed:12 times

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