Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Beauty Mark

(Eingestellt am 24. August 2023, 21:36 Uhr von zetamath)

Normal sudoku rules apply. Normal black dot rules apply. The two digits on the black dot have a ratio of 2:1. There are no negative constraints of any kind.

Nabner Lines: The thicker golden lines are nabner lines. Digits cannot repeat on a line, and lines cannot contain consecutive digits, regardless of order. For example, if a line has a 3 anywhere on it, 2 and 4 cannot appear on that line.

Region Sum Lines: The thinner blue lines in the grid are Region Sum Lines. The sum of digits on the line is the same within each box.

Have fun, leave a comment if you enjoy the puzzle!

Play this puzzle on SudokuPad

PS: I stream solving sudoku like puzzles three days a week. You can check out the channel, as well as some videos I have made about setting puzzles, at my YouTube channel here.

Lösungscode: Row 3

Zuletzt geändert am 24. August 2023, 22:59 Uhr

Gelöst von Jesper, tallcat, Koalagator2, AvonD, mnasti2, jkuo7, tuturitu, tangobunni, gdc, lmdemasi, MicroStudy, bansalsaab, oshitada, ddx01, dodo, sanabas, smckinley, killer_rectangle, tuckerbucket, hgfe, ... flipout, Uhu, Just me, pepe74287, michaal94, Unknown, Crusader175, ryanprobably, talldrinkofwater, Vebby, GertVonnegut, Frutlop, PippoForte, Mr Boston, laky, vgdominion, Bobbobert, KNT, NEWS, psninn
Komplette Liste


am 28. Oktober 2023, 12:12 Uhr von Crusader175
Lovely interaction!

am 1. September 2023, 00:58 Uhr von Christounet
Is Z the new beauty mark ? I guess it is !

am 31. August 2023, 10:43 Uhr von oceansellaven
Loved it! Had to really brute force it because I under-used the secret, but I got there anyway!

am 30. August 2023, 02:17 Uhr von PotatoHead21
100th solve on this puzzle

am 29. August 2023, 22:33 Uhr von antiknight
Cool break-in idea and cute ideas after! I think the difficulty is at most 2.5* tho :)

am 27. August 2023, 11:26 Uhr von MartinR
Nice flow after break in.

I did get stuck at the midpoint for a while as had missed the "can not repeat" part of the nabner rules here - I had recently done Soliloquy, which didn't have/need that restriction.

That was down to my scanning, and not seeing that while the example said that a line with a 3 can't have 2/4 it also can't have another 3

am 26. August 2023, 19:43 Uhr von samuel1997
Fun puzzle! This deserves a higher approval rating!

am 26. August 2023, 09:53 Uhr von Playmaker6174
Such a 'weird' opening but after that, the solve became quite smoother with lots of neat interactions between two types of line :)

am 26. August 2023, 08:32 Uhr von rentalcustard
Zetamath uses Nabner lines to break brains, and we love it.

am 26. August 2023, 05:40 Uhr von alanb
I found this one a little easier than your other recent nabner puzzles, maybe I got lucky and was able to spot the break-in, or maybe that good nabner logic is starting to sink in :) nice puzzle!

Zuletzt geändert am 26. August 2023, 04:01 Uhr

am 26. August 2023, 04:00 Uhr von econtrout
It just flows. Very nice puzzle, I thought it was on the easy side of 4 stars, but great setting. Thanks!

To the issue of the black dot - there are two solutions to the puzzle without the black dot!

Zuletzt geändert am 25. August 2023, 22:35 Uhr

am 25. August 2023, 20:55 Uhr von wenchang
Very Enjoyable to play! Nice!!! Spoiler alert!

am 25. August 2023, 17:36 Uhr von stimim
Nice puzzle! When you find the break-in, everything else can be solved smoothly!

am 25. August 2023, 15:07 Uhr von vorash00
loving the nabner lines

am 25. August 2023, 10:27 Uhr von Tilberg
Smooth and elegant solve, with a well-telegraphed break-in and some wonderful gems of logic throughout. Thanks!

am 25. August 2023, 03:54 Uhr von Exzerzo
The process in finding out the minimum and maximum was a joy to behold!

am 24. August 2023, 22:59 Uhr von zetamath
I included the black dot rules only at the Sudokupad link. Fixed now!

Bewertung:94 %
Gelöst:148 mal
Beobachtet:14 mal


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