Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The Square of the Hippopotamus

(Eingestellt am 22. August 2023, 00:08 Uhr von cristophermoore)

This is a gift for Glum Hippo, who took the time to welcome me to this community!

In the center of the grid is a right triangle. On each side of the triangle is a 3x3 square of green cells, all or part of which is in the grid. The top square is tilted so that "adjacent" cells are separated by knights' moves, and its top-right corner is outside the grid. Cells in the bottom square are two steps apart, and its bottom row is outside the grid. (See thumbnail.)

The right triangle forms a cage in which digits cannot repeat.

The squares are all or partly magic. Within each square, any triple of green cells consisting of a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line must sum to 15. This includes the two visible rows of the bottom square (i.e. r6c3,5,7 and r8c3,5,7), the sides of the tilted square r2c1-r4c2-r6c3 and r6c3-r5c5-r4c7, and its middle row, middle column, and its diagonal r2c1-r3c4-r4c7. There is no constraint on a triple that falls outside the grid. Digits MAY repeat in these triples if otherwise allowed.

Standard thermo and kropki rules apply: cells increase along thermometers, and cells with a dot between them are consecutive if the dot is white and in a 1:2 ratio if it is black.

Play on CTC

Lösungscode: Row 8 followed by column 5

Gelöst von glum_hippo, mew_rocks, hao2k, pkratz22, Fool on Hill, pms_headache, Iluvsodah, PS3UDONYM, Megalobrainiac, Evicts, CrippledLamp, KyubiBoy, Sprechta, SudokuHero, Possum, Luaryo
Komplette Liste


am 1. September 2023, 02:17 Uhr von SudokuHero
Really clean solve all the way through. Loved the logic throughout

am 27. August 2023, 06:42 Uhr von Sprechta
Thanks for sharing. Had a great time once I realized that I had missed something obvious.

Zuletzt geändert am 22. August 2023, 10:04 Uhr

am 22. August 2023, 09:00 Uhr von Fool on Hill
I enjoyed this one - not too difficult, really smooth solve, interesting logic and a few things to think about.

am 22. August 2023, 03:13 Uhr von glum_hippo
A clever puzzle and a heartwarming thing for your pachyderm friend. <3

Bewertung:90 %
Gelöst:16 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal

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