Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Disjointed Irish Knight

(Eingestellt am 31. August 2023, 00:00 Uhr von Tingo)

Disjointed Irish Knights

Today, 08/31/2023, marks the 1 year anniversary of the setting and releasing of my first puzzle. As a first anniversary nod, I've created this puzzle, using 2 of my favorite constraints (anti-knight and disjoint sets), and the Irish Dots rules that I created over the past year. I hope you all enjoy this puzzle! Additionally, hat tip to my buddy, Robert. Thanks for the suggestion on the shapes. For all of those who suffer from colorblindness, the Irish Dots are henceforth taking on shapes as well to make them easily distinguishable. Without further ado...

The rules are as follows:

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Cells separated by a knight's move (in chess) cannot contain the same digit.

Digits cannot repeat in the same relative cell in more than one box (disjoint sets rule)

Cells separated by white dots have consecutive values.

Cells separated by green dots (ovals) have a value ratio of 3:1.

Cells separated by orange dots (diamonds) have a value difference of 3, i.e. 1.4.7, 2.5.8, 3.6.9

Not all dots are given.

The puzzle can be played at F-Puzzles here!

The puzzle can be played at CTC here!

Questions, comments, concerns and jokes are all welcome! Thanks for playing!

Lösungscode: Row 9 followed by Column 4, 18 digits total

Zuletzt geändert -

Gelöst von Dharmabum, kkli, sacklunch, jalebc, by81996672, Montinox, jguer, Bjd, Fisherman, dinyvel, mcc, Kenro, eso, flaemmchen, lmdemasi, Matti64, Megalobrainiac, Iluvsodah, benny, cathematician, SKORP17, ... Carolin, dingledork, sejer4, katy.lanka, annnz, Koba, TaeChi, ClarityC, lordtom, Kekes, PippoForte, humaLautema, forsen, Martini&Toto, iyork, finger, TroublesomeOrca, Isfan, naggy, Econic
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Zuletzt geändert am 21. September 2023, 01:21 Uhr

am 21. September 2023, 01:21 Uhr von asp1310
I feel like the green 'dots' should be the same relative rotation to the line they pass through. The ones in box 5 look like a different thing to the others. So either make the ones in box 5 vertical, or the other ones vertical, perhaps?

Zuletzt geändert am 31. August 2023, 15:32 Uhr

am 31. August 2023, 15:23 Uhr von PinkNickels
Thanks very much for helping with colorblind solvers! I usually just have to skip the Irish dot puzzles. Appreciate it!

- Glad to finally have it figured out. I've gotten many comments before on the issue. Fortunately, my friend came up with a solution. I plan on going back through the Irish Dots puzzles in the future and making versions like this, but I have not done that yet. All future Irish Dots will come out this way. Cheers! - Tingo

am 31. August 2023, 07:38 Uhr von Montinox
Cool puzzle. Difficulty may be lower than 3/5

Zuletzt geändert am 31. August 2023, 03:48 Uhr

am 31. August 2023, 02:26 Uhr von aerenhart
Hey! I'm new to the disjoint set rule. Does it mean that, if for example, if R2C1 is 4, then R2C4 cannot be 4? Thank you!

- An over simplification is if a digit shows up as the middle cell in a box, that digit can never show up in the middle cell in any other box, regardless of if normal sudoku rules would allow it. The disjoint set rule applies to all digits. In the final solution, each digit will show up in each relative cell only once. Cheers! - Tingo

am 31. August 2023, 01:10 Uhr von sacklunch
Congrats on the anniversary, and thanks for setting and sharing some great puzzles! :)

Bewertung:82 %
Gelöst:91 mal
Beobachtet:11 mal

Standardrätsel Variantenkombination

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