Regular sudoku rules apply.
Draw a one-cell-wide loop of orthogonally connected cells that enters every 3x3 box in the grid. The loop encloses a single orthogonally connected area, and if two loop cells are orthogonally adjacent, they must be directly connected (essentially, the loop cannot touch itself, not even diagonally).
The loop acts as a German Whisper line (i.e., adjacent digits on the loop must have a difference of at least 5). Shaded cells must lie on the loop, and the digit in them indicates the total number of seen loop cells, including itself, in all four orthogonal directions; non-loop cells DO block vision.
Solve online:
Lösungscode: Row 3 (left to right, 9 digits, no spaces)
am 17. August 2023, 06:11 Uhr von Briks
Thumbs up! Great puzzle!
Reply: Great to hear, thank you!
am 16. August 2023, 02:29 Uhr von Prof.Dori
One of the best puzzles with loops I have seen!
Reply: Thank you very much!