Normal Sudoku Rules Apply.
Digits along a green German Whisper line must differ by at least 5.
Digits along a purple renban line must be consecutive.
Digits seperated by a black dot are in the ratio 1:2
Digits on a grey circle must be odd.
Digits along the marked diagonal must not repeat.
To Play:
Hope you enjoy
Lösungscode: Row 5 then Row 6 (18 digits)
am 16. Oktober 2023, 20:15 Uhr von erik
very clean solve path, thanks!
am 11. September 2023, 11:17 Uhr von Dr Logic
Removed 'New' Label
am 21. August 2023, 14:27 Uhr von Rollo
Was ist denn 'NEU' an diesem Rätsel :-(?
am 18. August 2023, 04:43 Uhr von silent_rob
Great puzzle - really enjoyed it.
am 14. August 2023, 21:38 Uhr von Tingo
Thanks for setting and sharing! This was a fun puzzle!
am 14. August 2023, 17:13 Uhr von 99%Sneaky
An enjoyable eponymous puzzle to be sure :)
am 13. August 2023, 23:30 Uhr von wildhound007
Loved it. Very smooth
am 13. August 2023, 21:38 Uhr von Dr Logic
Forgot to change the links haha
am 13. August 2023, 21:16 Uhr von Dr Logic
Removed a given but solution remains. Still 1 star.