The name is a reference to the excellent
Antimatter by
Nahileon, which my puzzle somewhat (unintentionally) resembles!
Play on f-puzzles
Play on CTC
Solution Guide
Normal Sudoku rules apply.
Renban lines: the purple lines consist of a set of non-repeating consecutive digits.
Dutch Whispers lines: adjacent digits on an orange line must have a difference of at least 4.
Cells with a grey square must be even.
Digits separated by a white dot must be consecutive.
Digits separated by a V must sum to 5.
If you enjoyed this, please check out my other puzzles!
Lösungscode: Top row, left to right
Zuletzt geändert am 3. September 2023, 23:11 Uhr
Gelöst von SKORP17, jalebc, ralphwaldo1, sanabas, pkratz22, Dentones, DarthParadox, Mikemerin, ViKingPrime, rich_27, PippoForte, blackjackfitz, gdc, juggler, Ratfinkz, karlmortenlunna, Megalobrainiac, Exigus, SXH
Zuletzt geändert am 12. Januar 2024, 19:53 Uhram 12. Januar 2024, 19:43 Uhr von ViKingPrime
I was perusing your back-catalogue and noticed a puzzle that needs a rating and I must say, I'm glad I stumbled upon it. This is... so methodical, meticulously crafted and uses a few devious tricks to make magic out of some very basic constraints. I know your style has grown to have a bit more panache over time, but this is very much PedallingPianist at his best. Well done!
am 30. August 2023, 10:08 Uhr von ThePedallingPianist
Solution guide added