- one German Whispers line: figures have a difference of at least 5 to their neighbor(s)
- one Thermometer: figures increase, starting from the bulb. Oops, no bulb, you'll have to figure out at which end of the line the bulb is
- one Renban line: figures form a consecutive sequence in any order
Kropki: white dots link cells which have a difference of 1. Black dots link cells which have a ratio of 1:2. Not all possible dots are given.
F-Puzzles-Link: F-Puzzles link
CTC-Link: CTC link
Solution code: the left column and the bottom row
on 26. November 2023, 21:07 by Lili Lavender
Super! Tolle Idee mit "199" hat Spass gemacht, DANKE!
on 9. August 2023, 14:28 by taniabn
Lovely puzzle, not too complicated to deduce what line corresponds to what constraint, and it's a fairly smooth solve after that
on 8. August 2023, 21:04 by MarthaB
This was a fun challenge. Proud to have solved it. Thank you!
@MarthaB: well done! And thanks for you nice words!
on 7. August 2023, 22:56 by Ragna
Absolut raffinierter Einstieg! Danach ging es mit elegantem Sudoku-Tanzschritt kreuz und quer durch das Rätsel.
Gratulation zum 199. Rätsel; ich warte auf die 200. :-))
@Ragna: danke für die netten Worte. Nr. 200 wird ein paar Wochen dauern ;-)