Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Monkeyshines (Liar puzzle)

(Published on 28. July 2023, 00:25 by Senip)

  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Normal killer, german whisper, odd, even, XVs, white dots, black dots, renban, fortress, arrow, quadruples, thermo, between line rules apply.
  • EXCEPT, in each box exactly 2 clues are wrong (digits can't be wrong).
  • IMPORTANT: If a quadruple clue is wrong, digits in that clue must not appear in its 4 surrounding cells

CTC app link: Click Here


Solution code: row 5 then column 5

Solved by MicroStudy, Leonard Hal, jdjdjd, SamuPiano, Starlight, TaeChi, vfig
Full list


on 22. August 2023, 17:34 by vfig
nice puzzle!

the CTC solution checker complained for me too, but it is clearly wrong: it was complaining about digits in r5 and c5 (among others), but the solution code made from those *was* accepted here.

so i guess its just that the puzzle code had an incorrect solution saved in it, confusing the CTC solution checker.

Last changed on 1. August 2023, 00:45

on 31. July 2023, 21:09 by Starlight
Love this puzzle but it is hard. Though I'm bad at liar puzzles

The solution checker said I was wrong but it worked here. I can't see anything wrong with my solution either. Though I may have missed something
Thanks, your solution is probably right though!

Solved:7 times
Observed:12 times

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