A 6x6 puzzle featuring these rules is now available here.
Normal sudoku rules apply.
Fillomino: Divide the grid into regions such that no two regions of the same size share an edge. Cells divided by a green wall are in different regions. Given digits specify the size of the region in which they appear. Each region must include a digit equal to its size.
Renban: Each region contains a non-repeating set of consecutive digits that may appear in any order.
Lösungscode: Digits in row 7 + column 7 which are in regions that don't touch the edge of the grid.
am 5. September 2023, 07:15 Uhr von SSG
Added link to Lil'-a-Renban.
am 3. September 2023, 17:44 Uhr von damasosos92
Needed a help from Simon but I managed to solve the puzzle! Really cool!
am 25. August 2023, 18:17 Uhr von Chilly
Very nice SSG.
am 3. August 2023, 08:35 Uhr von tesseralis
I thought i figured out the trick, but then couldn't figure it out and gave up; then I found the *real* trick, and it flowed pretty well from there. the geometry in this is *weird*, in the best way
am 26. Juli 2023, 16:32 Uhr von marcmees
Very nice & new logic deductions in this puzzle. Thanks
Definitely deserves more solves.
am 25. Juli 2023, 20:39 Uhr von Silverbyte
The initial break-in was smooth but then it got tricky... but some really cool logic followed so the difficulty felt rewarding. Really cool solve path from (seemingly) so little clues
am 25. Juli 2023, 04:49 Uhr von AnalyticalNinja
Took a bit to fully grasp what was going on, but was quite smooth once I did. Very lovely puzzle SSG!
am 23. Juli 2023, 19:54 Uhr von ademjaz
Amazing logic throughout the solve, lovely puzzle!
am 23. Juli 2023, 13:02 Uhr von Oddlyeven
Amazing puzzle! Logic is top-notch throughout!
am 23. Juli 2023, 12:33 Uhr von JayForty
Great puzzle! Loved the break-in, very clever and satisfying once you figure it out. Then it just flowed really smoothly with plenty of original deductions.