Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 15. Juli 2023, 21:16 Uhr von Blashyrkh)


A minimalistic, yet totally approachable thermo sudoku!

  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Digits along a thermometer increase from the bulb end.

Play on f-puzzles

Play with CtC app

Lösungscode: row 4

Gelöst von SKORP17, Steven R, Chefofdeath, Tacosian, Pegazus, Notlob, Jlrice2, Jagga, LehanLehan, arteful, SudokuFiend, Bjd, LKegel, pookster, SenatorGronk, weiken, Stargazing Albatross, brandon_bot, JayBird, ... ChampionAsh5357, piyush, The Bard, augsod, paranoid, Nostor, DVFrank, MysticMan, hurrynot, whtshername, MaxSmartable, TagEule, josemadre, xenicat, Myxo, Spooof, Juanfox, Krokant, perchik, Statistica
Komplette Liste


am 14. August 2023, 17:30 Uhr von 99%Sneaky
Super clean!
I got a kick out of being solve number 500 [aka 125*4] :)

am 27. Juli 2023, 23:38 Uhr von anyeyeball
Nice puzzle. Thanks!

am 18. Juli 2023, 16:41 Uhr von Snaques
Quit enjoyed the break in. After that it was a breeze.

Thanks for a nice puzzle!

am 17. Juli 2023, 00:01 Uhr von phs
Great puzzle. It's incredible what can be achieved with simple thermo lines... Thanks !

am 16. Juli 2023, 02:31 Uhr von VitP
Almost a GAS, but requires the application of one intermediate technique, and one advanced.
Impressive, to be able to construct something that appears to contain so little information, and yet solves so easily. Of course, this requires milking the geometry for all it's worth.

Bewertung:91 %
Gelöst:265 mal
Beobachtet:14 mal


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