Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Killer Yatzy

(Eingestellt am 10. Juli 2023, 17:43 Uhr von NurglesGift)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

The killer cages is an 2D projection of a (D6) dice.

The dice can be rotated and/or mirrored, but opposite sides must always add up to 7

Digits can not repeat within a cage

The cell in the middle of the cages (i.e. the cell with 4 connected cells) is the top of the dice. (see example)

The top of all dice need to have the same number (i.e. Yatzy)

Cells connected by a white dot must be consecutive

Cells with a grey square need to be even digits.

Cell with an arrow, must sum to the arrows total.

Link to puzzle


Lösungscode: Give the digits of row 5 and 6.

Zuletzt geändert am 10. Juli 2023, 18:41 Uhr

Gelöst von SKORP17, sanabas, pepe74287, Howie729, GarageDoorOpener, by81996672, panthchesh, Megalobrainiac, jalebc, PippoForte, zrbakhtiar, atomvic, snowyegret
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am 15. Juli 2023, 04:59 Uhr von panthchesh
Thanks for the puzzle! That was fun! :D

am 10. Juli 2023, 18:41 Uhr von NurglesGift
Rule clarification

am 10. Juli 2023, 18:07 Uhr von sanabas
Rules probably should mention that opposite faces of the dice must add to 7.

Gelöst:13 mal
Beobachtet:7 mal

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