Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 10. Juli 2023, 09:51 Uhr von PjotrV)

f-puzzles: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=ydp6r6uy

ctc: https://tinyurl.com/2hyhrp5k


Normal Sudoku rules apply. On top of that:

  • In cages, digits must sum to the small clue given in the top-left of the cage. The digits within the cage must be different.
  • Digits along the arrow must sum to the digit in its circle.
  • The little killer clues are summing up to the number given along the pointing diagonal. Digits may repeat along the diagonal.

Lösungscode: Column 1 and row 5

Zuletzt geändert am 24. Juli 2023, 17:26 Uhr

Gelöst von Sonki, SeveNateNine, Felis_Timon, Thepulgabic0, Bjd, jalebc, asver, DanishDynamite, mercierus, gutman, mihel111, chippers, Matti64, nunc, Xalothros, taniabn, Janik7777, SKORP17, ewa, scushuaishuai, ... NeroChaos, asii, bergelfe, marvellousminty, humaLautema, SirJefferE, fca.felix.sudoku, le bonhomme, derwolf23, noodlehead, PippoForte, GhTheOne, OuyangZheng, Jodelbanane, Polytechnisch, zhangjinyang
Komplette Liste


am 23. August 2023, 06:55 Uhr von KyleBaran
18 mins for me, but I found the tricks immediately. A solid 2* puzzle

am 24. Juli 2023, 17:26 Uhr von PjotrV
Title changed, due to spelling error

am 12. Juli 2023, 00:34 Uhr von coeurblacky
Great fun! Thanks for setting!

am 11. Juli 2023, 21:29 Uhr von cbattles
Break in was fantastic! Loved this puzzle.

am 11. Juli 2023, 17:19 Uhr von puzzlepandit
I needed calculator for this. May be some puzzle should include that in description. :-) Break in was very intelligent.

am 11. Juli 2023, 08:59 Uhr von Montikulum
Very impressive setting indeed. And quite a joy to solve.

am 10. Juli 2023, 20:28 Uhr von PinkNickels
Great setting, great puzzle.

Bewertung:95 %
Gelöst:156 mal
Beobachtet:13 mal

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