Lösungscode: Zeile 9 gefolgt von Spalte 9 (18 Ziffern ohne Leerzeichen)
am 14. Juli 2023, 02:19 Uhr von TempFxD
Really nice. At some point I got lost for a while, but the towrads the end it felt really satisfying.
am 10. Juli 2023, 04:47 Uhr von econtrout
A lovely puzzle start to finish...Thanks!
am 10. Juli 2023, 01:34 Uhr von Trams
Did see the puzzle on CtC.
A lovely puzzle where the killer cages worked in a magic way. So young setter! I would love to see more of him. Edit:Oh, he got a bunch of high rated puzzles.
Cane_Puzzles, well done!
am 10. Juli 2023, 00:16 Uhr von MatthewDonovan
Really nice, thanks!
am 9. Juli 2023, 17:14 Uhr von Blashyrkh
Top-tier killer, nicely done!
Cleverly placed given digits, and that 8-cell cage really ties the room together.
am 9. Juli 2023, 13:08 Uhr von Perladel
I laughed. Very enjoyable puzzle!
@GuaravM: I would write your last line as a hidden comment, because I do think it spoils the main step of the puzzle
am 9. Juli 2023, 02:15 Uhr von Piatato
Very cleaverly set, thanks!
am 9. Juli 2023, 00:12 Uhr von Fisherman
am 8. Juli 2023, 22:09 Uhr von nunc
Thanks a lot for this wonderful puzzle.
I needed some time to find the break-in. The title helps a lot (in hindsight:-)