Liberty, cracked, Perseveres
(Eingestellt am 4. Juli 2023, 14:55 Uhr von rockratzero)
Liberty, cracked, Perseveres
Normal Sudoku Rules Apply.
Slow Thermos, Modular Lines, Kropki Pairs, and Quadruple constraints apply as follows.
• Digits on a grey slow thermo must increase or stay the same - never decrease from bulb to tip.
• Digits contained in large white quadruple circles must appear at least once in the four cells it touches.
• Digits connected by a black dot must be in a 2:1 ratio. Digits connected by a white dot must be consecutive. Not all dots are necessarily given.
• Each set of three digits along a teal line must comprise a full set of the digits modulo 3, i.e. one each of [147], [258], and [369]
Play on SudokuPad
The Liberty Bell is one of the most iconic symbols of American Independence. The bell was made of substandard alloy; cast by Pass and Stowe, a pair of founders flying by the seat of their pants, who in the end, made it work. It is imperfect, but somehow its flaws make it even more powerful as a symbol. It is said to have cracked after the death of the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Marshall.
Lösungscode: Digits from Row 5, followed by Column 8 (18 digits, no spaces)
Zuletzt geändert am 4. Juli 2023, 16:20 Uhr
Gelöst von ficko, Snookerfan, Chelo, NotThatKindOfDoctor, Brains, nearlylee, benisjammin, jalebc, CrippledLamp, LayLowe, jdjdjd, vitaminz, Jlrice2, NotThatItMatters, AnalyticalNinja , Mr_tn, SKORP17, AvonD, ... humaLautema, Tacosian, ForzaFcu, Montinox, seeppp, godoffours, Debba, radium, PippoForte, ark29, Martini&Toto, forsen, duckling, rich_27, jadezki, cmigas, Toren, jordanza, edwinap, tgstar
am 4. Juli 2023, 19:04 Uhr von rictech
Fun rule set! Happy 4th!
am 4. Juli 2023, 17:19 Uhr von NotThatItMatters
A very nice puzzle. Well designed solve path. Nice historical perspective as well.
am 4. Juli 2023, 15:44 Uhr von Chelo
Very nice and interesting ruleset, thank you for setting & sharing!..
am 4. Juli 2023, 15:40 Uhr von Snookerfan
Very nice and great fun! Thank you