Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Wrapping Diagonals

(Eingestellt am 1. Juli 2023, 19:07 Uhr von mogli_96)

Dear Logic-Masters Community,

this is my first puzzle here and I have no idea if something similar already exists or not. At least I haven't seen something similar yet. I kind of had this crazy idea today and fell into a bit of a rabbit-hole. I didn't know, if the rule-set would produce any unique Sudoku, but after a bit of playing around, I found one. Please let me know in the comments if this is a known variant and I hope you have fun solving it.

The puzzle looks like a normal Sudoku, but normal Sudoku rules DO NOT apply.


  • Digits can and will repeat within rows and columns
  • Instead, digits need to be unique on each diagonal. Diagonals wrap around "through the walls" and continue on the other side, therefore there are 9 positive and 9 negative diagonals of length 9 in the grid. (Examples below)
  • Digits cannot repeat within a 3x3 box like in standard Sudoku

Examples for diagonals:

  • R1C3, R2C4, R3C5, R4C6, R5C7, R6C8, R7C9, R8C1, R9C2 is one of the 9 "positive diagonals"
  • R9C5, R8C6, R7C7, R6C8, R5C9, R4C1, R3C2, R2C3, R1C4 is one of the 9 "negative diagonals"

To better visualize the diagonals, you can also repeat parts of the puzzle again on the outside of the grid. Unfortunately F-puzzles only supports grids up to 16x16, so the duplicates of R5C4 and R4C5 are not shown.

Here you can find Version 1 (without the duplicated fields) and Version 2 (with the extra fields) on F-puzzles

Please also let me know, how hard you would rate this.

Lösungscode: row 1 digits followed by column 6 digits (18 digits)

Gelöst von Kworb, Xalothros, AzureFire, marcmees, SenatorGronk, Isa
Komplette Liste


am 1. Juli 2023, 23:26 Uhr von Kworb
Not super hard, but easy to make a mistake if you don't use the duplicated fields. I enjoyed solving it!

Gelöst:6 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

Rätselvariante Computerhilfe Online-Solving-Tool

Lösung abgeben

