Mir kam der Gedanke, dass Meidjuluk (ein von glum_hippo erfundenes Puzzle-Genre) und Fillomino eine ähnliche, aber dennoch komplementäre Logik haben, also dachte ich, sie wären die perfekten Kandidaten für eine Permakultur. Dies ist wahrscheinlich ein ziemlich herausforderndes Rätsel, besonders am Anfang. Wenn Sie neu in Meidjuluk sind, kann ich glum_hippos Puzzle empfehlen, um sich mit der Logik vertraut zu machen.
Beispielpuzzle (6x6) mit Regionen der Größe 1 bis 6 im Meidjuluk-Bereich.
Hauptpuzzle (10x10)
Lösungscode: Geben Sie für jede Zeile von oben nach unten die Länge des längsten zusammenhängenden Zellabschnitts an, der zu derselben Region gehört.
am 2. November 2024, 22:24 Uhr von Christounet
And done ! The last one of the puzzles from your catalogue (for the time being). Thanks for the hours/days of entertainment, and keep them coming of course !
am 23. September 2024, 10:01 Uhr von Snookerfan
Beautiful. Thank you!
am 6. September 2024, 09:47 Uhr von ibag
Very tricky - even after you got the point!
am 1. Dezember 2023, 21:59 Uhr von damasosos92
This masterpiece is just insanely well constructed. Loved every tricky piece of it. Added to my favourites!
am 27. September 2023, 09:39 Uhr von BlueShifted
Brilliant and fun. Thank you and loved it!
am 27. September 2023, 06:38 Uhr von tesseralis
That was really fun and made me think long and hard about how the two puzzle types interact!
am 17. September 2023, 06:13 Uhr von wooferzfg
Beautiful and surprisingly smooth
am 19. August 2023, 16:25 Uhr von Fool on Hill
Magnificent puzzle. Really nice interaction between rules. Not the hardest 5* puzzle, but it would still help if I could count ...
am 19. August 2023, 12:44 Uhr von MagnusJosefsson
Amazing puzzle! Very smooth once the clever initial deductions are performed correctly!
am 18. August 2023, 15:10 Uhr von Lizzy01
Very nice! It 'only' took me an hour and a half, which is less than 5 star puzzles usually take me.
am 12. August 2023, 08:13 Uhr von dangernoodle
Oh my goodness. What a nice puzzle, though very very hard for me (took me literal hours to solve, breaking it many times along the way).
am 3. August 2023, 15:40 Uhr von peacherwu2
am 20. Juli 2023, 21:38 Uhr von Myxo
What a brilliant puzzle! Loved it.
am 20. Juli 2023, 05:41 Uhr von cmb
The sign of an agent puzzle is shattered expectations.
But you outdid yourself by miles on this puzzle.
Loved this one!
am 15. Juli 2023, 14:11 Uhr von glum_hippo
This was full of delightful surprises and has a terrific solve path. Thank you for using the new Meidjuluk rule set with such panache!
am 14. Juli 2023, 14:30 Uhr von Agent
Added SudokuPad link, thanks glum_hippo!
am 30. Juni 2023, 08:21 Uhr von marcmees
ouch. The basic 10x10 arithmetic got me stunned for a while. Extremely nice puzzle. thanks
am 28. Juni 2023, 14:42 Uhr von wand
hard but a lot of fun interactions! made several incorrect leaps about which cells had to join up with what, but it came together very nicely once I asked the right questions
am 27. Juni 2023, 23:36 Uhr von Jesper
Awesome, thanks!