Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 29. Juni 2023, 14:15 Uhr von filuta)

This puzzle is inspired by Myxo's Fill Rank Fullomino puzzle. Big thanks to all the good souls in Skunkworks discord who hepled with testing.

Enjoy the solve!


-(shading and digits) Shade some cells and put a digit 1-9 in every unshaded cell such that no digit repeats in any row or column.
-(full rank clues) Take all (maximal) blocks of connected digits in every row or column read as numbers (in both directions), no two of those numbers may be the same. Sort all those numbers in a sequence from the lowest to the highest.
The clues outside the grid give positions of the numbers in that row/column read from the direction of the clue in that ordered sequence.
None or all clues are given for every row/column, "_" can be any digit, but no clue has a leading 0.

Example: in the grid on the right you can see there are 20 two digit numbers (numbers 1-20 in the seguence) starting with 12 in row 4 read from the right up to 54 again row 4 read from the right. Then there are eight 5 digit numbers (numbers 21-28 in the sequence) starting with 12345 in column 4 read from the bottom up to 54321 read from the top in column 4.

Solve online via this penpa+ link (for the outside clues use the number mode size L which should fit well with the given clues, the answer check, however, is only on digits inside the grid and shading)
here is a penpa+ link for the example puzzle

Lösungscode: row 1 and row 5, "s" for shaded cells

Gelöst von Myxo, ClashCode, Piatato, Jesper, twobear, wand, polar, pandiani42, Silverstep, Agent
Komplette Liste


am 22. Juni 2024, 17:22 Uhr von Agent
Incredible that it works!

am 28. März 2024, 07:04 Uhr von Silverstep
To any prospective solvers: I greatly recommend solving this puzzle if you, uh, if you want to hear the sound of your brain breaking into small pieces.
Jokes aside, this is really good, and easier than I first thought (which is typical for a filuta puzzle). I know that the rules starts with "inspired by Myxo's fullrank fillo" and then it keeps getting increasingly more horrifying; but it's actually very clean.

am 20. Juli 2023, 02:16 Uhr von wand
wow, just incredible. really tough break-in for me, many false starts until it clicked but after that it was smooth! amazing to see how it all resolves. one of my favorite puzzles so far

am 30. Juni 2023, 21:27 Uhr von twobear

Zuletzt geändert am 29. Juni 2023, 21:55 Uhr

am 29. Juni 2023, 21:16 Uhr von Piatato
Brilliant masterpiece! Every deduction is crisp and delightful, and all in all I even want to somehow say that it was a smooth solve! Hugely enjoyable!
Great, miraculous example puzzle too, btw!

am 29. Juni 2023, 15:08 Uhr von Myxo
This puzzle is absolutely brilliant, the ruleset is mind-bending but after a while becomes quite intuitive, and the execution is flawless. I am honored my puzzle inspired such a masterpiece!

Bewertung:100 %
Gelöst:10 mal
Beobachtet:4 mal


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