(Published on 23. June 2023, 16:28 by rockratzero)
A cute 6x6 version of this puzzle "Shoelaces" was constructed for rangsk's "Adventure series" on YouTube. The series features small variant sudoku puzzles designed to introduce rules/concepts for beginners. A link to his playlist can be found here
Normal Sudoku rules apply. Place the digits 1-9 exactly once in every row, column, and 3x3 box.
Odd: Digits in shaded circles are odd.
Double Arrows: There are circles in the grid connected with lines. The sum of digits in the circles is equal to the sum of the digits on the attached lines. Digits are allowed to repeat in circles as normally allowed by other rules.
Quadruples: Quadruple circles are located on some cell vertices. Digits in the quadruple circles must all appear at least once in the cells touching them.
Play on SudokuPad
Solution code: Digits from Row 9, followed by digits from column 9 of the solve grid (18 digits, no spaces)
Last changed on on 23. June 2023, 18:53
Solved by AnalyticalNinja , Manitary, mathpesto, SKORP17, Superdamicobros, killer_rectangle, butch02, jalebc, mutex, PinkNickels, RickiFerrara, pippilotta, dskaff, tweak42, efnenu, Notlob, SeveNateNine, ... Koba, abadx, JohanW, Kawkaz, OGRussHood, BKKGarrett, asii, humaLautema, PDN777, godoffours, diziet, vmirandaa, Tigger579, PippoForte, Jodelbanane, silent_rob, ManuH, rich_27, rsadri, jordanza
on 26. February 2024, 04:54 by silent_rob
Thanks for the lovely puzzle - really enjoyed it!
on 13. December 2023, 21:38 by PDN777
Great job RockRat. Thanks for teaching me about double arrows. :-)
on 25. June 2023, 21:05 by XeonRisq
Loved the layout on this one, very pleasing to the eye; also was good fun..
on 25. June 2023, 19:27 by chain.reader
new ruleset for me, but it worked well. thanks!
on 23. June 2023, 22:32 by anyeyeball
Not sure I have ever tried a Double Arrow puzzle before, but this was very enjoyable. Thank you!
on 23. June 2023, 20:23 by PinkNickels
Really enjoyed this one. Thank you for sharing.
on 23. June 2023, 19:08 by mathpesto
Very fun!