Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Council Bluffs

(Published on 23. June 2023, 14:19 by glum_hippo)

Standard Sudoku rules are in effect. Each row, column, and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1-9 exactly once each.

Enclose some cells into cages, such that each cage includes exactly one circle and exactly one cell with a numeric clue. Cages may not overlap.

Digits may not repeat in cages, and their sum must fulfill the numeric clue enclosed in the cage. The circled digit indicates the count of prime digits in the cage.

The single-digit prime numbers are 2, 3, 5 and 7.

The title is a tribute to ICHTUES, who for reasons unknown to me named a number of tricky killer sudokus after major North American metropolises.

F-Puzzles version

In the CtC-App

Solution code: Row 8, then column 2 (18 digits total)

Last changed on on 4. November 2023, 19:24

Solved by Mr.Menace, DiMono, Vebby, tuturitu, mathpesto, Gryllulus, bansalsaab, StefanSch, Mr_tn, OutOfMyMindBRB, AvonD, Bankey, sanabas, peacherwu2, tinounou, Franjo, LYLY, h5663454, giladooshlon, twobear, ... Brains, Agent, msbjowmx1, dennischen, nordloc, henrypijames, Dentones, Qodec, Elliptical, samuel1997, polar, Myxo, Silverstep, DaniK, DigitalAda, ONeill, Sewerin, lmdemasi, Canyun, aries
Full list


on 28. July 2023, 03:11 by Silverstep
Really smooth. 43 minutes.

on 23. July 2023, 20:50 by Myxo
Ein super Rätsel, hat viel Spaß gemacht :)

on 28. June 2023, 18:00 by Agent
Cool puzzle, some neat arithmetic deductions!

on 28. June 2023, 14:39 by Brains
OMG, my first solved 5-star. Took me half a day. Totally worth it.

on 25. June 2023, 05:09 by glum_hippo
Thank you KNT and madhupt- I had estimated it at 4 stars, and I suspect it will settle there eventually

on 25. June 2023, 04:14 by KNT
wonderful! But significantly easier than 5*, imo.

on 24. June 2023, 21:10 by madhupt
Beautiful puzzle. Very smooth as well.

on 24. June 2023, 20:38 by glum_hippo
Thank you for your comments, StefanSch, marc, Bankey, Mr.Menace, and mathpesto.

on 24. June 2023, 20:10 by marcmees
masterpiece. thanks.

on 24. June 2023, 09:16 by Bankey
Fascinating ruleset. Thanks, @ glum_hippo :).

on 23. June 2023, 21:32 by glum_hippo
Lösungscode vereinfacht

Last changed on 23. June 2023, 21:25

on 23. June 2023, 19:54 by StefanSch
Der Lösungscode ist unnötig kompliziert, ansonsten ein sehr orginelles Rätsel.

Ich geb's zu.. aber immer wieder nach Zeilen und Spalten bitten war mir dieses eine Mal zu langweilig. Danke herzlich für's lösen!

on 23. June 2023, 18:00 by glum_hippo
Transparent cages - thanks mathpesto!

on 23. June 2023, 17:41 by mathpesto
Had a blast solving this one! I loved how you eased the solver into it.

P.S. If you use the JSON editor on F-Puzzles, you can change each of the cage outlines to #FFFFFF00 and they'll be transparent :)

on 23. June 2023, 14:25 by Mr.Menace
I had a blast testing this. It requires some perseverance, but it was a very enjoyable and satisfying solve!

Rating:98 %
Solved:56 times
Observed:14 times

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