Innocuous Dom (Norinori / Killer Sudoku)
(Eingestellt am 19. Juni 2023, 15:45 Uhr von rockratzero)
Innocuous Dom
(Norinori / Killer sudoku hybrid)
Norinori Rules Apply.
Pictorial rules examples can be found at
-Shade some cells in the grid.
-Each shaded cell is orthogonally adjacent to exactly one other shaded cell.
-Each outlined region contains exactly 2 shaded cells.
Sudoku Rules Apply. Normal 3x3 boxes are assumed as bold borders are used for Norinori regions.
-All Shaded cells are Odd; not all Unshaded are Even.
-Additionally, Digits in dashed cages sum to the given value in the top left of the cage; digits may not repeat in such cages.
Penpa has answer check on shades and digits. SudokuPad only on digits.
(3x3 sudoku boxes assumed)
Play on SudokuPad
Play on Penpa+
(Additional lines to indicate sudoku boxes, helps some with scanning)
Play on SudokuPad
Play on Penpa+
Lösungscode: Unshaded digits in Row 5 left-to-right, followed by Unshaded digits in Column 2, top-to-bottom. No spaces.
Gelöst von nuzzopa, pms_headache, Franjo, AnalyticalNinja , XeonRisq, Jesper, ClashCode, fjam, Crusader175, MartinR, SudokuExplorer, jkuo7, humaLautema, rich_27
am 21. Juni 2023, 06:03 Uhr von XeonRisq
Fun puzzle, definitely deserves more solves.