Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Mishaps 1: Amplification

(Eingestellt am 17. Juni 2023, 17:14 Uhr von 99%Sneaky)


One night you decide to stay late at work to perform some basic experiments to make sure all the lab equipment is functioning properly. While putting away one of the light spectrometers you knock a stack of papers which had been piled on a co-worker’s desk. As you kneel to collect them you spot an object taped to the underside of the desk. Intrigued, you carefully detach the item and hold it up. Inside a small vial, labeled only as “V342”, an orange liquid sways and softly glows. The temperature of the vial suddenly jumps dramatically causing you to flinch and lose hold of it. As the vial impacts against the floor a blinding light bursts forth and a loud reverberation sounds out…

…a short while later you come out of a daze and…what’s this? Are those…no…it can’t be…can it? Yes! All around the lab you are perplexingly able to see particles of matter AND dark matter. Everywhere pairs of matter and anti-matter swirl, orbiting each other. Yet, there are also matter particles bouncing around alone. Clearly something has gone awry. In the middle of the room a prism sits still, a stream of light enters and refracts, although the light emitted appears to be paradoxically brighter. Oddest of all, writing has appeared the room’s main whiteboard, it reads:

“Normal Sudoku rules apply. Digits separated by a matter particle (white dot) are consecutive. Digits separated by an anti-matter particle (black dot) are in a 1:2 ratio. Not all particles are given. Amplification: The sum of the digits along the 7 colored light beams is equal to double the sum of the digits along the beam of white light (5-cell line in row 7). The prism (grey line) is cosmetic and does not affect the puzzle.” Weird…what could that mean?...

Suggestion: If solving in SudokuPad, turn on the 'Large Digits' and 'Outlines on Elements' options.


Play on Eric's f-puzzles
Play on Sven's SudokuPad/CTC App

Lösungscode: Row 9

Gelöst von Nylimb, OutOfMyMindBRB, Raistlen, nmmc123, Jlrice2, lizzzyc, WarriorKitten, NotThatKindOfDoctor, Wieneke, 3nt0n, Starlight, NineK, asver, askel083, AvonD, Mr.CHEN, sherrick, nyxie, cfor, annnz, ... Jodelbanane, koiking, The Bard, jgarber, Pinevie, garycblack, ChampionAsh5357, Cezarr, Javier Rebottaro, unlogical, DylanRay, Airelin, jjtheplum, MorsBe, toboed, Kgoat, NemoBlub, bluebird, sandbo00
Komplette Liste


am 20. Juli 2023, 20:44 Uhr von phs
Great idea, beautifully composed. Thanks!

Zuletzt geändert am 18. Juli 2023, 16:51 Uhr

am 18. Juli 2023, 05:28 Uhr von Jakoshi45
This was my first ever Sudoku on this site. And I had a lot of fun!
Congratz! I'm delighted to hear that thank you and good luck on your future solving :)

Zuletzt geändert am 18. Juli 2023, 16:49 Uhr

am 17. Juli 2023, 18:33 Uhr von mikepautov
nice and nice!
Thanks and thanks :)

Zuletzt geändert am 3. Juli 2023, 19:25 Uhr

am 2. Juli 2023, 02:42 Uhr von RussKozerski
Had to start over twice. But I'd never do that if it wasn't an enjoyable puzzle. So thank you.
High praise indeed, thanks for persevering

am 21. Juni 2023, 00:57 Uhr von sacklunch
Beautiful puzzle, colorful and fun! Thanks for setting and sharing.

Zuletzt geändert am 21. Juni 2023, 14:37 Uhr

am 19. Juni 2023, 11:31 Uhr von TomMalufe
Fun little puzzle. A bit of math at the start helped me understand the rules and also got the puzzle going. With a < 30 min solve time, it feels like a GAS puzzle to me, which is really nice. I don't always want something really challenging (which is why I look for 1-2 star puzzles usually). I enjoyed the story setup as well.

Thanks for the puzzle

Thanks so much, glad to hear you had fun with the logic (and got to do some math)! :)

am 19. Juni 2023, 07:34 Uhr von I_love_carrie273
Actually, I also noticed that the statement about doubling sum was ambiguous. However, it could be disambiguated by sudoku logic so I liked it even more.

Zuletzt geändert am 19. Juni 2023, 04:17 Uhr

am 19. Juni 2023, 02:59 Uhr von asp1310
When you say "The sum of the digits along the 7 colored light beams is equal to double the sum of the digits along the beam of white light (5-cell line in row 7).", do you mean:
1) The total of all digits on all colored lines added together equal double the total of the white line?
or 2) Each individual colored line has a total that is double the white line?

The total of all digits on all colored lines added together equals double the total of the white line.

Zuletzt geändert am 18. Juni 2023, 21:23 Uhr

am 18. Juni 2023, 16:43 Uhr von Flycatcher
This puzzle is very fun! The title suggests there will be more lab mishaps, and I'm looking forward to them. :)

Wow thanks! Inspiration willing there will be more mishaps in future, cannot confirm if they will all transpire in a lab setting though :)

Zuletzt geändert am 19. Juni 2023, 00:24 Uhr

am 18. Juni 2023, 11:49 Uhr von I_love_carrie273
I liked it very much, both the story and the solving. An ideal puzzle for a beginner solver of cryptic sudokus.

Thank you @I_love_carrie273, glad to hear you liked the whole kit and caboodle :)

Zuletzt geändert am 18. Juni 2023, 00:08 Uhr

am 17. Juni 2023, 19:05 Uhr von NotThatKindOfDoctor
I enjoyed the story, fantastic puzzle too!

Thanks for the kind words!

Zuletzt geändert am 17. Juni 2023, 23:55 Uhr

am 17. Juni 2023, 18:00 Uhr von Nylimb
Thanks for the nice, easy puzzle.
And I agree completely with PrimeWeasel's reply to King_Pusher's comment.

You're welcome :)

am 17. Juni 2023, 17:41 Uhr von PrimeWeasel
A very inappropriate question, which has nothing to do at all with the puzzle posed, and is frankly just a very offensive thing to be asking based on the assumption that the use of these colors must say something about one's preferences. It does not, and should not matter.

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:256 mal
Beobachtet:15 mal


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