Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

DIY Arrows

(Eingestellt am 15. Juni 2023, 07:59 Uhr von sophmayrob)

CTC link Rules: Standard sudoku and knight's sudoku rules apply. Numbers on either side of a gray dot are either consecutive or in a 2:1 ratio. Standard arrow sudoku rules apply. Digits along arrows must sum to the number in the attached circle. In this puzzle the circles are given and the arrows must be found by the solver. Each arrow must be exactly 3 cells long (4 including the circle). Arrows can only extend into columns 123789 of the sudoku. Arrows can cross over each other, but may not share cells.

Lösungscode: Order of numbers in bottom row

Zuletzt geändert am 15. Juni 2023, 09:07 Uhr

Gelöst von Prutsbeest, Jlrice2, Lizzy01, Bjd, pms_headache, SKORP17, Jesper, gynu, MrQubo, mse326, jkuo7, fjam, Beethoven3, madhupt, johnnypinkpants, giladooshlon, dmgciubotaru, ksreinders, Chishiri, ... OldCaptainWZJ, konklone, SirWoezel, BlueShifted, koba1917, dawntreader, schlathubali, tinounou, MorganLeah, polar, hoogachakka, Uhu, michaal94, starelev5, PippoForte, SudokuHero, Visumation
Komplette Liste


am 9. Juli 2023, 07:35 Uhr von BlueShifted
One of my absolute favorite.. the logic follows nicely and I could see the story building up nicely.. great construction thanks a lot

am 27. Juni 2023, 00:42 Uhr von BlueShifted
One of my absolute favorite.. the logic follows nicely and I could see the story building up nicely.. great construction thanks a lot

am 26. Juni 2023, 09:43 Uhr von BlueShifted
One of my absolute favorite.. the logic follows nicely and I could see the story building up nicely.. great construction thanks a lot

am 23. Juni 2023, 01:30 Uhr von konklone
Outstanding - this may be the most satisfying and difficult puzzle I have managed to solve on my own. Agree with the other comments that it is amazing that this has a unique solution and logical path. Lovely first puzzle and congrats on the CTC feature!

am 22. Juni 2023, 10:08 Uhr von OldCaptainWZJ
Made a mistake at the end with my pencil-marking so it took way longer than it should have been, but this puzzle is still pretty difficult and satisfying to solve. The fact that you can not only force a single solution, but also reach it by such beautiful logic, is nothing but a miracle.

am 21. Juni 2023, 07:40 Uhr von Elliptical
Somehow the rules conspired to produce a unique solution. quite amazing, actually

am 21. Juni 2023, 01:45 Uhr von MatthewDonovan
What a puzzle! Thank you so much, this was brilliant and a ton of fun.

am 20. Juni 2023, 12:10 Uhr von giladooshlon

Zuletzt geändert am 15. Juni 2023, 16:26 Uhr

am 15. Juni 2023, 14:35 Uhr von Lizzy01
Very nice!

I recently set a puzzle involving buiding arrows, but that one is very differemt from this one.

am 15. Juni 2023, 14:31 Uhr von Jlrice2
That is a really good puzzle. I couldnt believe there is only 1 solution and that there would be a logical path but there was.

am 15. Juni 2023, 10:45 Uhr von Prutsbeest
Wow, a unique ruleset and a truly amazing puzzle! Great debut here on LogicMasters!

Bewertung:98 %
Gelöst:50 mal
Beobachtet:12 mal

Rätselvariante Online-Solving-Tool Wegerätsel Schach

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