Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Lost Rain

(Eingestellt am 9. Juni 2023, 00:23 Uhr von heliopolix )

I had so much fun setting Lost in Time, Like Tears in Rain that I set a mini with the same ruleset.

Featured in: Zetamath Solve


Normal 6x6 sudoku rules apply. Non-Consecutive Region Sum Lines: Adjacent digits along a blue line may not be consecutive. Digits along a blue line sum to the same value in each box it passes through. Different lines may have different sums.

Comments are always welcome. I'd love to hear your thoughts about the puzzle. Have fun!

Streamers have permission to use this puzzle.

Play in SudokuPad

Lösungscode: Row 6

Gelöst von MicroStudy, HumanBirdsong, Scojo, SKORP17, nmmc123, Jlrice2, Lastrevas, Dermerlin, cbjenkins, NeroChaos, rictech, annnz, ozgaz, fuxia, Wetuts, brandon_bot, zrbakhtiar, WatermeRen, 28righthand, ... das, zorant, A_UserHere, ludvigr04, Krisonium, PinkNickels, Kaskata, kureha, gblaze920, JSmoove1099, saskia-daniela, humaLautema, Uhu, dingledork, dendrobium, Felis_Timon, cheerfuljanb, jgarber
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 9. Juni 2023, 15:27 Uhr

am 9. Juni 2023, 08:58 Uhr von 28righthand
Surprising how much a 6x6 puzzle made me think with all the apparent information! Well done
Thanks, I'm glad it was stimulating for you.

Zuletzt geändert am 9. Juni 2023, 01:23 Uhr

am 9. Juni 2023, 01:15 Uhr von Scojo
A very nice warmup before tackling your 9x9 version, and cool to see how some of the ideas needed to solve the big puzzle are introduced in a simpler way here!
Thanks! This was such a fun ruleset.

Bewertung:86 %
Gelöst:92 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal

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