Run For Cover
(Eingestellt am 6. Juni 2023, 23:47 Uhr von 99%Sneaky)
With this puzzle I wanted to explore (in addition to killer cages) two of the constraints which, in my opinion, are generally underutilized, namely fortress (aka minimum/maximum) and disjoint groups. What I found is that in combination these constraints can generate some interesting and unusual logic. I hope you enjoy this puzzle, it's beauty and strangeness, and maybe we can light a spark to get more fortress and disjoint puzzles created. Good luck!
- Normal sudoku rules apply.
- Digits within a cell with arrows facing inward must be less than all of their orthogonal neighbors. Digits within a cell with arrows facing outward must be greater than all of their orthogonal neighbors. (Fortress [minimum/maximum] variant)
- Digits in cages sum to the small number in the top-left corner of the cage. (Killer cages variant)
- Cells in the same relative position within a 3x3 box may not contain the same digit (for example, the top-left cell in each 3x3 box must contain a different digit). (Disjoint groups variant)
Play on f-puzzles
Play on SudokuPad/CTC App
Lösungscode: Row 3 (left to right, no spaces)
Gelöst von SKORP17, nmmc123, jalebc, apendleton, flaemmchen, OutOfMyMindBRB, Bjd, Banana, brimmy, annnz, Dentones, LittleNightmaresLady, heliopolix , SSG, Snookerfan, dennischen, shteev, AvonD, Megalobrainiac, starelev5, ScienceNerd2240, PippoForte, bansalsaab, finger, karen_birgitta
am 22. Juli 2023, 10:49 Uhr von Snookerfan
Very nice and hard! Mission impossible accomplished. Thank you
am 10. Juli 2023, 03:27 Uhr von heliopolix
A strenuous test of scanning! Very neat deductions throughout!
Zuletzt geändert am 8. Juni 2023, 00:07 Uhram 7. Juni 2023, 07:43 Uhr von apendleton
This was one of those puzzles where it felt like there were a bunch of places where there was exactly one thing there to be found to make forward progress, and scanning was pretty tricky. Really satisfying once it started to unravel though!
I can understand how you felt that way in this puzzle which has, as I mentioned, some 'strange' logic at points that you need to find. Glad to hear you got through and found the solution, thanks for playing.