Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Viper Valley

(Eingestellt am 27. Mai 2023, 09:00 Uhr von Nordy)

This puzzle did not need a remix, but I was curious how the rules would work in a regular 9x9—turns out quite well! Difficulty estimated at 3.25 stars.


Trail Sudoku: Place the digits 1 to 7 and two trees per row, column, and 3x3 box. Trees occupy cells just like digits but have no value.

Three Trails

  • Draw three 1-cell wide, orthogonally-connected trails in the grid that do not touch themselves orthogonally (but may diagonally). The trails may touch each other, but they do not overlap, cross, or share cells
  • The trailheads (ends) of each trail are given as a matching set of shapes (the two circles are the ends of one trail, for example)
  • The trails cannot pass through cells with trees

Arrow Clues

  • Cells with arrows must be on a trail
  • Digits in cells with arrows give the distance (in number of cells) to the nearest tree in that direction. The distance includes the cell with the arrow

Example: Here is an irregular 5x5 example puzzle (Penpa, SudokuPad) that has two trails, and uses the digits 1 to 4 and one tree per row, column, and region.

Solve online:

Lösungscode: Row 4 using “T” for trees (9 characters, example: 123T45T67)

Zuletzt geändert -

Gelöst von Las4one, h5663454, mihel111, Banana, Steven R, tuturitu, Mr_tn, Godrick, pippilotta, bigger, Franjo, ScatterBrain, Lizzy01, Beanie, Pibonacci, prc123, topoi, FlowJo, Silverscree, Dust, slrodini, ... RubberMittens, codewizard, Christounet, damasosos92, I Love Sleeping, nottabird, ElChiglia, Chishiri, jkuo7, Possum, mrlemmelook, PippoForte, Andrewmi3, abadx, dogfarts, trashghost, wuc, Piatato
Komplette Liste


am 29. Juni 2024, 00:18 Uhr von Piatato
Great fun, thanks!

am 19. Mai 2024, 18:34 Uhr von wuc
New rule sets every day. What a great fun solving such puzzles. Thank for great setting. Very smooth.

am 18. Oktober 2023, 19:00 Uhr von mrlemmelook
I also had to restart once, but i had so much fun doing this puzzle. Thanks alot!

am 11. Oktober 2023, 16:15 Uhr von Possum
I got lost in the woods, so I had to restart twice, but once I got used to the rules and implications, it really was a walk in the park. Great puzzle, thank you.

am 18. Juni 2023, 06:19 Uhr von TJReds
I am absolutely in love with this rule set--hope to see more in the future!

am 4. Juni 2023, 01:47 Uhr von mathpesto
Very fun and creative ruleset, would like to see more of these :)

am 29. Mai 2023, 12:19 Uhr von Silverscree
That was fun! I haven't had so much trouble deciding on a notation for a loong time, but once I finally settled it was really nice

am 28. Mai 2023, 13:22 Uhr von ScatterBrain
Very interesting ruleset. Thanks for setting.

Bewertung:97 %
Gelöst:48 mal
Beobachtet:16 mal

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