Killer in a cold cave
(Eingestellt am 21. Mai 2023, 23:35 Uhr von Lutterot)
In my previous puzzle,
Serpent with a lisp, I played around with hidden thermometers in a snake puzzle. I liked the idea enough to apply it again: this time in a cave puzzle and using some different logic.
Standard sudoku rules apply.
Shade some cells in the grid. These shaded cells are
wall cells; the unshaded cells are
cave cells. The cave cells form a single connected cave. Single and connected wall cells form walls that are connected to the edge of the grid. No 2x2 area is entirely wall or cave.
Dead ends: The white circles are
all the dead ends of the cave: they are cave cells with only one adjacent cave cell. Digits in these circles indicate how many cave cells (including itself) can be seen from that cell. Walls obstruct vision.
In every straight line of connected cave cells the digits are in increasing order.
Killer cages: Digits do not repeat within cages. The
cave cells in each cage sum to the given total.
Connection and adjacency in the above description is strictly orthogonal.
Link: Play on CtC

Lösungscode: Row 1 from left to right as nine characters
Zuletzt geändert am 22. Mai 2023, 17:32 Uhr
Gelöst von Gryllulus, sanabas, Tamuha, madcyantist, jkuo7, Gab, codewizard, ascension
Zuletzt geändert am 14. Juni 2023, 17:16 Uhram 14. Juni 2023, 17:15 Uhr von codewizard
That was brutal (for me) :-) I really liked the rules, and in the end it came together really nicely. But the way there.... It helped once you had internalized the negative constraint. I noticed it but didn't pay enough attention to it at the start.
am 23. Mai 2023, 13:35 Uhr von Tamuha
The puzzle is not easy, but the really nice ruleset makes for a pleasant solve.