Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 21. Mai 2023, 03:08 Uhr von mathpesto)


Normal Sudoku rules apply. Shade some cells so that all areas of orthogonally connected shaded cells are rectangular and all areas of orthogonally connected unshaded cells are not rectangular. (Yes, a square is a rectangle.) A digit in a circle equals the size of its group of shaded/unshaded cells. Digits may not repeat within such a group, and a killer clue is the sum of the digits in the group. Note: a group can have zero, one, or more than one of each clue type.


Lösungscode: Column 5 (top to bottom, no spaces, 9 digits)

Gelöst von Bellsita, MicroStudy, Vebby, tuturitu, thrutch, Gryllulus, laky, killer_rectangle, Beanie, jkuo7, twobear, CrippledLamp, Nordy, lars, giladooshlon, bansalsaab, Myxo, ClashCode, DVFrank, Chishiri, sth, KNT, MaizeGator, widjo, Jaych, dennischen, KevinTheMH, Xendari, dogfarts, Counterfeitly, mdjvz, P12345, shteev, cdwg2000, h5663454, Tom-dz, Philpo, misko, zhall12570, StephenR, Bankey
Komplette Liste


am 12. Oktober 2024, 21:05 Uhr von Bankey
Tough but fun. Thanks, @ mathpesto :).

am 13. Mai 2024, 20:49 Uhr von StephenR
Quite a lot of people have solved this so it's probably just me, but I found the rules ambiguous in that they don't exclude the possibility of different shaded/unshaded regions being adjacent, and yet this is clearly the case. So might be helpful to clarify for people like me.

am 23. Mai 2023, 05:15 Uhr von Nordy
Awesome! A great mix of fun and challenging

am 22. Mai 2023, 15:31 Uhr von twobear
Very fun. Thank you!

am 21. Mai 2023, 06:06 Uhr von thrutch
Top banana! That was fantastic, thanks for setting.

am 21. Mai 2023, 05:43 Uhr von MicroStudy
there's always money in the banana stand

Bewertung:96 %
Gelöst:41 mal
Beobachtet:14 mal

Variantenkombination Neu Online-Solving-Tool

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