Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Anti-Knight Killers

(Eingestellt am 17. Mai 2023, 01:18 Uhr von noswald)


  • Standard Sudoku rules apply.
  • Anti-Knight: Cells that are separated by a knight's move do not contain the same digit.
  • Between Lines: Digits on a line must be between the digits in the circles at the ends of the line.
  • Killer: The value of digits within a cage must sum to the number in the top-left corner.
  • Little Killer: Arrows indicate the sum of the digits that appear in the diagonal they point towards. Digits may repeat along these diagonals


Lösungscode: Bottom row without spaces

Gelöst von sanabas, Bjd, SeveNateNine, Silverscree, cbjenkins, by81996672, peterkp, boriss, Kimyee, BellBear, SKORP17, AvonD, BenTen, jguer, chestertherat, pjhiatt, nmmc123, rpearl, apendleton, glum_hippo, ... littlebluue, A_UserHere, shafer, Pibonacci, lovely, Skip69, xadves, jadezki, zrbakhtiar, annnz, PippoForte, chain.reader, noodlehead, Just me, rhodri, datax, Koba, pms_headache, paranoid, forsen
Komplette Liste


am 9. August 2024, 12:50 Uhr von mezkur7
Sudokupad(w/sol): https://sudokupad.app/7tecxlgu0x

am 18. Juni 2023, 11:03 Uhr von puzzlepandit
Nicely thought out puzzle. One that gives you immense satisfaction after solving it.

am 19. Mai 2023, 17:27 Uhr von sacklunch
Loved it! Surprising how everything resolved onto neat pairs and then quickly disambiguated. Every fun, thanks!

am 18. Mai 2023, 14:34 Uhr von glum_hippo
Got the initial pattern very quickly and then stared for a good while. Nice puzzle!

am 17. Mai 2023, 20:31 Uhr von BenTen
Very neat puzzle. Thanks for setting.

am 17. Mai 2023, 04:22 Uhr von Silverscree
Really nice disambiguation at the end, really lovely break-in at the start (the anti-knight was more powerful than I expected!)

Bewertung:96 %
Gelöst:66 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal

Standardrätsel Rätselvariante

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