Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

1 Line and 4 Dots

(Eingestellt am 13. Mai 2023, 22:43 Uhr von Prof.Dori)

1 Line and 4 Dots


Normal sudoku rules apply. The sum of the digits along the blue line must be the same within each 3x3 box the blue line passes through (e.g. r8c3+r9c3 [cells on the blue line on box 7] = r9c4+r9c5+r9c6 [cells on the blue line on box 8]). Digits seperated by a black dot are in ratio 1:2. Not all dots are necessarily given.


Lösungscode: Row 4 followed by row 5.

Gelöst von SKORP17, dskaff, Jagga, tallcat, Flycatcher, fuxia, Bjd, nmmc123, pepe74287, Sonki, butch02, ScatterBrain, asver, AvonD, Cypher, jalebc, galium_odoratum, kkli, Crul, Scojo, tuturitu, Julianl, KlausRG, Mr.CHEN, Annika , Martini&Toto, lovely, Krisonium, PippoForte, Felis_Timon, Chad, fca.felix.sudoku, karen_birgitta
Komplette Liste


am 14. Mai 2023, 14:03 Uhr von ScatterBrain
Great puzzle, thanks for setting Dori.

Bewertung:87 %
Gelöst:33 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal

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