Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 11. May 2023, 12:42 by Prof.Dori)



Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits increase along a thermometer starting from the bulb end. For each box B, a digit D in position P indexes to a new box P, in position D with value B. Positions are numbered from left to right and top to bottom. For example if r3c4 is 9 this means B=2, P=7 and D=9, this indexes box 7, position 9 with the value 2 meaning r9c3 has value 2.


Solution code: Row 1 followed by row 9.

Last changed on on 11. May 2023, 12:53

Solved by laky, Ood, pms_headache, Briks, Scojo, kublai, Tamuha, martin1456, Fool on Hill, mms112, bansalsaab, AvonD, SKORP17, Nickyo, dskaff, DasRoc, jinkela114514, SXH, Myxo, Komeiji_Carey, escutcheon, xtfnfhvzzw, Canyun, PippoForte, timww572, ViKingPrime, marty_sears, palpot, Jdt112, Chad, by81996672
Full list


on 20. February 2024, 22:45 by marty_sears
beautifully minimalist puzzle, with some cool global deductions to be discovered that will help a LOT. The biggest challenge is getting your head around the indexing

on 20. February 2024, 22:07 by ViKingPrime
My poor noggin

on 14. August 2023, 03:36 by DasRoc
The ruleset is tricky to wrap your head around, but crazy that it works!

on 15. May 2023, 17:41 by bansalsaab
Very nice. Thanks for constructing this beauty.

on 12. May 2023, 13:12 by Tamuha
Amazing Puzzle. Had a very fun time solving it.

on 11. May 2023, 21:05 by Scojo
Beautiful discovery Dori. The fact that this puzzle is solvable, let alone with such an elegant path, is so cool!

on 11. May 2023, 19:50 by Briks
Did anybody see the absolute perfect symmetry of the result? I would like to write more, but that would be too much of help...

on 11. May 2023, 17:23 by pms_headache
Not hard, just hard to keep the indexing straight.

on 11. May 2023, 14:18 by laky
it’s pretty amazing that this puzzle has a solution(。ò ∀ ó。)

Rating:93 %
Solved:31 times
Observed:9 times

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