Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 8. Mai 2023, 18:07 Uhr von jwsinclair)

Normal sudoku rules apply.
Digits on arrows sum to the number in the connected circle, and can repeat if allowed by other rules.
Digits in cells separated by a white dot are consecutive.
Digits in cells separated by a black dot have a 1:2 ratio.

SudokuPad | F-Puzzles

This puzzle originally appeared in Artisanal Sudoku, where I publish five new sudokus every week across a range of difficulties (most are pretty approachable by LMD standards). Check it out! And/or tell someone about it!

Lösungscode: row 3

Gelöst von asver, SKORP17, AN_not_IO, StefanSch, Jagga, belfieldtj, Mr_tn, wand, OhHeyGuysItsMax, MB_Cyclist, AvonD, pepe74287, Jesper, TrollErgoSum, jalebc, fuxia, atomium, Crul, Nyxian, nearestneighbour, Bjd, ... RebelSystem, erkiraak, Felis_Timon, Krisonium, k2u5as, Kekes, dendrobium, koiking, lpq29743, TommyHMBK, megabat, forsen, MrWhite2020, ignigomoreno, augsod, konjecture, deangaudet, MorsBe, fthompson
Komplette Liste


am 14. Oktober 2023, 20:39 Uhr von cascadeshiker
Really beautiful flow to the puzzle. Thanks! Thanks also for only requiring a 9 digit solution check.

am 24. Juli 2023, 22:21 Uhr von Nemefish
I would say 2.5 stars. A few sticking points and a little sting in the tail, but so satisfying when I unraveled them.

am 14. Mai 2023, 19:15 Uhr von galium_odoratum
Brilliant construction, so much fun to solve! Very nice flow from the beginning to the end.

am 12. Mai 2023, 20:47 Uhr von H.I. McDunnough
I thought I had broken it 2 or 3 times with the arrows at the top. Very nice. I really liked that one.

Zuletzt geändert am 9. Mai 2023, 22:07 Uhr

am 9. Mai 2023, 22:02 Uhr von jubengo
I found it brilliant ! Unlike other, i did not struggle to start but i struggled a bit to desambiguate the end.

Thanks so much! The very last step is definitely tricky, but I liked it too much to take it out :)

Zuletzt geändert am 9. Mai 2023, 17:49 Uhr

am 9. Mai 2023, 16:26 Uhr von haligonian
Really nice puzzle. I found the beginning to be more like a 3-star, but then once you get past that point it resolves fairly easily.

I really, really enjoyed this!

Thanks! (I went to Halifax for a wedding a few years ago, btw, and absolutely loved it there :)

@jwsinclair It's a beautiful spot! (well, in summer...)

Zuletzt geändert am 9. Mai 2023, 16:42 Uhr

am 9. Mai 2023, 15:04 Uhr von VitP
This is a perfect example of what is meant by "artisanal sudoku", as the solver constructs the solution piece by piece, just as the setter constructed the puzzle piece by piece.
I would not recommend this puzzle for beginners.

Thanks! I agree that this one is not entry-level, but (FWIW) the newsletter includes a link to an easier version (with a few clues added), and premium subscribers get hints and tips.

Zuletzt geändert am 9. Mai 2023, 02:36 Uhr

am 9. Mai 2023, 02:20 Uhr von PinkNickels
Brilliant. I'd rate it a 2.2. Loved every minute of it.


Zuletzt geändert am 9. Mai 2023, 01:59 Uhr

am 9. Mai 2023, 01:45 Uhr von jorgenunez
I really enjoyed the puzzle. A complicated start, but smooth after that.

Glad to hear it, thanks!

Bewertung:96 %
Gelöst:217 mal
Beobachtet:14 mal

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