Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

U-Bahn with Quadrants for wooferzfg

(Eingestellt am 22. April 2023, 16:45 Uhr von KNT)

Draw a totally connected loop network through the centers of some cells, which may branch or turn, but may not have any dead ends. A clue outside the grid indicates how many times the corresponding line shape (i.e. a cross, branch, straight line, or turn) appears in the corresponding row or column, irrespective of the line shape's rotation.

A number on a vertex in the top-left quadrant indicates how many of the four surrounding edges to that vertex are crossed by the loop network.

In the top-right quadrant, a star must be placed in every row and column. Two stars cannot touch, even diagonally. The loop network may not pass through stars.

A loop that does not touch itself must be drawn on the network in the bottom-left quadrant such that it passes through each circle. The loop must go straight through white circles, and turn at least once either directly before or directly after the circled cell. The loop must turn on black circles, and must go straight both directly before and directly after the turn.

Treat a turn as the number 1, a straight line as the number 2, a branch as the number 3, and a cross as the number 4. A clue outside the bottom-right quadrant indicates how many numbers can be seen from that direction, where greater (or equal) numbers obscure vision. Pieces of the loop network outside the bottom-right quadrant do not contribute to these clues.



Lösungscode: For each column except the last, the number of lines leading right from the column. X if greater or equal to 10.

Zuletzt geändert am 26. Juli 2024, 08:23 Uhr

Gelöst von polar, Zzzyxas, Jesper, Myxo, wooferzfg, Jakhob, jkuo7, rmn, ibag, Koalagator2, Agent, Vebby, Alex, Piatato, pkp, Jaych, ffricke, Silverstep, akamchinjir, lupo, Niverio, Christounet, ONeill, Bellsita, Nick Smirnov, misko, RJBlarmo, tuturitu, AnnaTh, Mr_tn
Komplette Liste


am 23. August 2024, 17:19 Uhr von AnnaTh
This puzzle has kept me busy for a lot of days. But it was worth it. Fascinating interactions! Thanks for setting such a gem!

am 14. Januar 2024, 02:08 Uhr von ONeill
Very fun, thanks!

am 21. Dezember 2023, 16:51 Uhr von Christounet
Pheeeeeww ! Just the right puzzle to celebrate my 1000th solve on the portal ! Now I need to rest my brain a little... miscounted the branches so many times... but it was a hell of joy to solve, with all the rules playing so well together. Wonderful gift ! Thanks :)

am 22. Juli 2023, 21:06 Uhr von Niverio
What a gift! Pretty challenging all the way through but never stops being fun.

Zuletzt geändert am 8. Mai 2023, 00:23 Uhr

am 7. Mai 2023, 22:38 Uhr von Piatato
Fantastic puzzle! So rich in interesting logic, and the way in which all the different parts of the grid interacted with each other was just something completely spectacular!

Zuletzt geändert am 6. Mai 2023, 10:13 Uhr

am 6. Mai 2023, 10:10 Uhr von Alex
Belated Happy Birthday!!!

am 2. Mai 2023, 19:59 Uhr von Agent
Fantastic puzzle! Loved how the different variants interacted with U-Bahn, the solution path is very rich.

am 29. April 2023, 18:35 Uhr von ibag
A really absolutely brilliant work! Many thanks for this and of course congratulations belatedly to wooferzfg!

am 24. April 2023, 14:55 Uhr von polar

The Masyu only has to exist within the subway, so a white dot can be a straight segment, branch or intersection and a black dot can be a turn, branch or intersection. There's an example image on Zzzyxas' puzzle below if that helps.

am 24. April 2023, 14:40 Uhr von Statistica
Just to be clear: the Masyu-Loop is part of the subway, but on the Masyu clues are only turns (black dot) and straight segments (white dots) of the subway?

am 24. April 2023, 07:26 Uhr von wooferzfg
Thank you so much! That was challenging throughout and a ton of fun. This is yet another reminder for me of how awesome U-Bahn is :)

am 23. April 2023, 18:41 Uhr von Myxo
One of my favourite puzzles on the portal. So much mindblowing logic!

am 23. April 2023, 16:32 Uhr von Jesper
Excellent puzzle! So much variety in the logic.

am 23. April 2023, 02:01 Uhr von Zzzyxas

am 22. April 2023, 20:34 Uhr von udukos
Happy birthday KNT and wooferzfg! :)

am 22. April 2023, 19:45 Uhr von KNT
Solution code description edited.

am 22. April 2023, 19:26 Uhr von polar
Masyu example (in case anyone needs it): https://logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Raetsel/zeigen.php?id=00026N

am 22. April 2023, 19:24 Uhr von polar
Superb puzzle! The subtleties of the clues and the intricacy weaved throughout was totally top notch. As always, nothing was unfair, but the difficulty stayed consistent up until the end.

Happy birthday to yourself and wooferzfg :)

Bewertung:100 %
Gelöst:30 mal
Beobachtet:5 mal

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