Each pink cell either indexes the 5 in its row or in its column. That is, it either equals the row of the 5 in its column, or the column of the 5 in its row. For instance, if r3c6 is a 7, then either r7c6 or r3c7 is a 5.
Fives are antiknights: no two 5s can be a knight's move apart.
Cells containing a gray circle must be odd. A white dot indicates a consecutive pair of digits.
Feedback is very welcome. Thanks to JeffWajes/Thousand Sheep, Dia, and SimplePurpleFrog for testing!
Lösungscode: row 7 followed by column 7
am 22. April 2023, 07:36 Uhr von cmb
That was fun!
am 20. April 2023, 07:45 Uhr von Silverscree
I agree with Tamuha that there is so much nuance in this puzzle's rules in this grid. I felt like a mathematician developing lemmas and then applying them iteratively to make more and more heavy constraints until suddenly everything fell into place. Gorgeous!
am 19. April 2023, 22:07 Uhr von SimplePurpleFrog
This puzzle has beautiful logic, some quite complex interactions.
It was a lot of fun to solve.
am 18. April 2023, 17:47 Uhr von marcmees
nice construction. thanks
am 18. April 2023, 16:13 Uhr von Paquet Voleur
Nice puzzling puzzle. The ruleset is more challenging than it appears a first or even second glance. Thanks for the tasty strawberries!
am 18. April 2023, 12:27 Uhr von Tamuha
Really nice ruleset. It took me a while until I figuted out every nouance of the rules and what it means in your setting.
I had a great time with the puzzle. Thank you very much!
am 18. April 2023, 08:16 Uhr von GavinGuile
Amazing ruleset. I really liked!
To pekerkp, he meant r3c6
am 18. April 2023, 08:14 Uhr von cristophermoore
example clarified
am 18. April 2023, 08:12 Uhr von peterkp
I don't understand the example. r4c6 is not a pink cell, so why does it index anything?
[Cris] that's a reasonable question :-) I changed the example to r3c6.
am 18. April 2023, 07:53 Uhr von Pignut
Hey I'm having a lot of trouble solving this puzzle. I keep running into a spot where there is nowhere for the 5's to go. I'm probably making a mistake in logic bc I am a beginner but I was wondering if you could confirm to me there isn't an error in the puzzle setting
[Cris] I promise it's solvable... feel free to email me at moore@santafe.edu if you want to show me where you got stuck
am 18. April 2023, 02:40 Uhr von JeffWajes
A very clever ruleset, and lots of fun logic throughout. Great puzzle!