Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Not /Really/ an Arrow Sudoku

(Eingestellt am 10. April 2023, 19:57 Uhr von ul-Rhymm)

Not Really an Arrow Sudoku


Normal Sudoku: Each digit 1-9 appears exactly once in each row, column, and 3x3 box.

King's Move: Matching digits may not touch diagonally.

Arrow: Digits along arrows sum to the digit in the circle.

Thermo: Digits increase along thermometers from bulb end.

Puzzle Link

Lösungscode: column five, without spaces.

Gelöst von NeroChaos, Nairi, dementius, Darkmare, Fizz, Hausigel, Jlrice2, Dancefloor, SKORP17, Notlob, efnenu, emwmasu, TeamSchmidt, tams2701, Arlo Lipof, Mutiny, Counterfeitly, AvonD, terrible_casserole, ... victarus, Kallor, Madoka42, jogerth, Martini&Toto, H-K, MorsBe, F53710, hazarege, samuelsamjo, mariban, mietepiet, forsen, MrWhite2020, The Bard, cmigas, lpq29743, augsod, Jensa, Hark Vitrina
Komplette Liste


am 23. Juni 2024, 18:50 Uhr von F53710
Beautiful puzzle. Completely forgot about the king's move constraint for a bit XD. Was a lot of fun.

am 20. September 2023, 08:43 Uhr von 99jau99
Very nice idea!

am 24. August 2023, 05:37 Uhr von ScienceNerd2240
Very beautiful solve! Setup is tedious but the way the break-in and solve develops is beautiful.

Zuletzt geändert am 23. April 2023, 08:32 Uhr

am 23. April 2023, 08:31 Uhr von rhodri
This is just glorious. You’re whittling away for ages, and then there’s a moment where you see how it’s all going to resolve, and it made me laugh out loud. Wonderful!

am 15. April 2023, 01:22 Uhr von Something Wellesian
I was really worried I wouldn’t be able to solve this one, but once I found the break-in (and after getting stuck a couple of times), I really loved it. One of my favourite puzzles I’ve solved so far and some new challenges for me, without being insurmountable.

am 14. April 2023, 00:13 Uhr von obi

am 11. April 2023, 17:55 Uhr von sacklunch
Wow, what a beautiful design! Really fun to deduce the path, thank you for sharing!

am 11. April 2023, 17:02 Uhr von topoi
Nice symmetry

am 11. April 2023, 16:42 Uhr von puzzlepandit
Nice title. Really smart arrangement. In my opinion this is 3 start difficulty.

am 11. April 2023, 11:04 Uhr von DVFrank
Very cute! :^)

Bewertung:98 %
Gelöst:153 mal
Beobachtet:11 mal


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