Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

A Night at the Theatre

(Eingestellt am 9. April 2023, 18:17 Uhr von NIGHTCRAULER)

A Night at the Theatre

  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Digits separated by a white dot must be consecutive. Not all possible dots are given.
  • Digits separated by a black dot must be in a 2:1 ratio. Not all possible dots are given.
  • Cells with grey circles must contain odd digits.
  • Grey lines are palindromes and must read the same from either direction.
  • Cells along a purple line contain a set of consecutive, non-repeating digits in any order.
  • Digits on a thermometer must strictly increase as they move away from the bulb.
  • Adjacent digits along green lines must differ by at least 5.
  • This puzzle is a thank you for the amazing night I had seeing a Broadway show with my very good friend. I hope you all enjoy, feedback welcome :).


Lösungscode: Row 8 followed by Column 8 (18 digits)

Zuletzt geändert am 12. April 2023, 22:36 Uhr

Gelöst von SKORP17, Jlrice2, Dermerlin, Jreg, tobee86, jalebc, efnenu, LehanLehan, belfieldtj, Onkel_Dagobert, Mutiny, AN_not_IO, peep50183, TeamSchmidt, brandon_bot, flaemmchen, fpac, hannahh, Greg, Odinvi00, ... NEWS, DylanRay, ThirdWiseMonkey, AFVeit, Vegan_warior, stefhoer, Rcolley5, r0the, Spooof, Jowser, Kachow, naggy, richliaofs, jhuijts, ArmagedDan, edwinap, slatt490, NemoBlub, nicolacroft1, kross
Komplette Liste


am 20. Mai 2023, 16:47 Uhr von anyeyeball
I really enjoyed this puzzle. Thank you so much @NIGHTCRAULER. -- For me, negative constraints or not did not really come into play. I wish the "usual" convention was "No negative constraints unless there is an explicit rule like "All white dots are given." There seems to be far fewer puzzles having negative constraints.

am 12. April 2023, 22:36 Uhr von NIGHTCRAULER
Add that not all possible dots are given for white dots as well

am 12. April 2023, 09:45 Uhr von asp1310
@zrbakhtiar The usual convention is to explicitly mention if not all dots are given; to miss it out that snippet implies a negative constraint. Again, especially since it was mentioned for the black dots rule previously, it makes it seem like the opposite is true for the white dots since how they are described (one saying not all are given, the other not saying that) are different.

And that IS important in solving the puzzle; there are many places two consecutive digits could go, and if you take the usual convention of implying a negative constraint by missing out the "not all dots are given" phrase as true, then the puzzle would be broken.

am 11. April 2023, 05:37 Uhr von RussKozerski
I searched and searched for a joke about theater, Abe Lincoln, pistols...every related term I could think of. And I just couldn't find a decent joke to post here. Well, it was worth a shot.

am 10. April 2023, 17:48 Uhr von MarthaB
This was a fun puzzle. Thank you for providing it.

am 10. April 2023, 09:16 Uhr von zrbakhtiar
@asp1310 Not true. No negative constraint for both black and white dots. In fact, negative constraints rule not needed to be aware of in solving this puzzle.

Zuletzt geändert am 10. April 2023, 07:41 Uhr

am 10. April 2023, 07:40 Uhr von asp1310
For the black dots rule, you explicitly mention not all dots are given, but do not say that for the white dots rule - does this mean that all white dots ARE given? I.e. Only the cell pairs noted by white dots can be consecutive, not any others?

am 9. April 2023, 23:22 Uhr von GorgeousNicko
I adore puzzles like this. I do hope you get a day at the greyhounds real soon!

am 9. April 2023, 19:14 Uhr von Jreg
What a cutie, and I love the backstory!

Bewertung:92 %
Gelöst:322 mal
Beobachtet:18 mal

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