Ich fühlte mich inspiriert, nachdem ich wundervolle "alien" Japanese Sums von KNT und ibag gelöst hatte, also beschloss ich, einen Build Your Own Killer mit Alien-Basen zu erstellen. Im Geiste meines anderen BYOK habe ich versucht, es konsequent herausfordernd, aber niemals unfair zu machen. Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Spaß beim Lösen!
Lösungscode: Zeile 7 (von links nach rechts) dann Spalte 8 (von oben nach unten)
am 15. Oktober 2024, 12:35 Uhr von ibag
An absolute MUST and highlight for anyone who loves aliens as much as the challenge!
am 28. September 2024, 22:17 Uhr von StephenR
Thanks. I loved how the geometry kept helping, as I didn't fancy thinking about the bases more than I had to!
am 13. September 2024, 04:02 Uhr von ONeill
Super cool puzzle, thank you!
am 31. Oktober 2023, 14:45 Uhr von madhupt
This is an absolutely fabulous puzzle! It is always an achievement to solve an @Agent puzzle but this one was particularly special to crack. So smooth once you get the hang of it. Marvellously set! Thanks for sharing this yet another masterpiece.
am 23. September 2023, 17:46 Uhr von Al Fresco
Another gem of a puzzle. Such a nice flow and variety of lovely logic. Thanks Agent
am 7. August 2023, 23:42 Uhr von Piatato
Very nice!
am 19. April 2023, 22:09 Uhr von polar
@Silverstep: I think if you check your 8 cage and rewind to that point it should be good.
am 19. April 2023, 17:56 Uhr von Silverstep
@polar Thanks a lot. That was a real brainfart by me yesterday. Turns out 8 in any base is just 8.
am 17. April 2023, 05:01 Uhr von MxTery
This puzzle was difficult, but an absolute joy to solve.
am 11. April 2023, 23:55 Uhr von ddx01
Amazing puzzle! Difficult, but very rewarding. Loved its rhythm, and the way it flows back and forward between geometry and arithmetics. Thank you, Agent!
am 11. April 2023, 16:50 Uhr von polar
@ddx01: Yeah that's right
am 10. April 2023, 18:00 Uhr von KNT
Wow, that was awesome. thank you for this tricky puzzle, and I'm so glad I could inspire it :)
am 9. April 2023, 19:42 Uhr von henrypijames
Stupidly clever puzzle!
am 9. April 2023, 18:38 Uhr von Agent
Added example in the description.
am 9. April 2023, 17:11 Uhr von henrypijames
It's not stated, but I assume that the digits in the grid (1-9) are all treated as base-10 while being summed up, no matter what base their killer cage sum is?
-- Yes, e.g. a 21-cage written by the base 5 alien can be made up of 236.
am 9. April 2023, 11:33 Uhr von twobear
Wonderful puzzle. Thanks so much!
am 8. April 2023, 18:57 Uhr von DVFrank
Really hard but very satisfying! :^)
am 8. April 2023, 10:27 Uhr von RJBlarmo
That was wonderful! Had many tricky deductions that were very satisfying to find.
am 7. April 2023, 17:00 Uhr von Tilberg
am 7. April 2023, 14:23 Uhr von polar
Super enjoyable thanks :)