Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Alfonso and Lori

(Eingestellt am 26. März 2023, 15:51 Uhr von zetamath)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

The digit in the square cells is 2, 4, 6, or 8.

The purple lines within the grid are renban lines. Each purple line contains a set of consecutive, non-repeating digits in any order.

The circles connected by lines in the grid are double arrow clues. The sum of the digits along a line is equal to the sum of the digits in the circles at either end of the line. Digits may repeat freely along a double arrow.

Have fun, leave a comment if you enjoy the puzzle!

Play this puzzle in SudokuPad

PS: I stream solving sudoku like puzzles twice a week. You can check out the channel, as well as some videos I have made about setting puzzles, at my YouTube channel here.

Lösungscode: Column 9

Gelöst von Andrewsarchus, Myxo, MicroStudy, antiknight, Mr_tn, Gryllulus, abed hawila, fjam, Vebby, AvonD, jalebc, SKORP17, Euclid, tuturitu, Dag H, cdwg2000, thoughtbyte, Jagga, Chefofdeath, R3dD3vil2k6, ... mitch.keeping, irq, OGRussHood, widjo, wawawawa, tuckerbucket, asver, Xendari, Hazem-77, lovely, Moe, PippoForte, P12345, mezkur7, karen_birgitta, GertVonnegut, StephenR, Frutlop, zhall12570, bolado
Komplette Liste


am 20. April 2024, 10:00 Uhr von zhall12570

am 15. Januar 2024, 10:48 Uhr von StephenR
Great puzzle, thanks. I did get horribly stuck at one point and when I realised what I'd been missing I gave myself a good kicking.

am 28. März 2023, 16:20 Uhr von Ragna
Very good puzzle with all those tricky relations. Thank you for sharing. :-))

am 27. März 2023, 09:46 Uhr von Playmaker6174
Lots of interesting interactions throughout the solve there! That mid solve and the parts around box 245 made me scratch my head a lot there :o

am 27. März 2023, 09:09 Uhr von Niverio
Very smooth opening into a very tricky yet satisfying midsolve! Thank you Zeta, I enjoyed it a lot!

am 26. März 2023, 19:20 Uhr von Euclid
Loved the interactions between the renban and double arrow lines.

am 26. März 2023, 16:15 Uhr von antiknight
Nice break-in and interactions between the different constraints.

am 26. März 2023, 15:57 Uhr von MicroStudy
elven squares are the new hotness

am 26. März 2023, 15:55 Uhr von Myxo
Wonderful interactions!

Bewertung:95 %
Gelöst:70 mal
Beobachtet:7 mal


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